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Best exercises reading comprehension

Wednesday, 22 de February de 2023

Do you know what is exactly the reading comprehension? What are you what we have in this article! Understanding goes far beyond reading and there are a multitude of exercises and tools that enhance this capability. Work is the key to success in all facets of life. It is a matter of practice and patience!

reading comprehension exercises

Why do exercises reading comprehension?

The reading in all academic levels is necessary. To acquire new knowledge and perpetuarlos without developing the levels of reading comprehension is difficult. Encourage the reading comprehensive it is possible and it is a key factor in the process of learning. Do you want to know how to improve it? Get reading! In this article you'll discover techniques and exercises that enhance your ability of comprehension and retention.

Do you know what is exactly the reading comprehension? What are you what we have! It is a cognitive process complex oriented to understand, interpret, and retain information that is read. To work in this capacity is the key to success in all facets of life. In this way, we are able to create logical relationships between ideas and to apply strategies to solve problems, among others.

Understanding goes far beyond reading. Reading required to engage in a process of learning and practice. Exercise as soon as possible is crucial. It may seem like a simple activity, but many factors are involved to carry it out with success. Among them the level of attention, concentration, prior knowledge, the process of decoding procedure, the analysis, etc All allow for more interaction on the part of the students in their formative stage. Consequently, it will be reflected in an increase of proactivity in the stage work.

I stay at this post to learn more about reading comprehension and exercises to strengthen it!

Use these digital tools that will improve your reading comprehension

The benefits that are received during the learning through digital tools are enormous. Exercises reading comprehension with them offers a experiencia más personalizada. Estas herramientas permiten ajustar los contenidos a tus comodidades. Además, a través de ellas se fomenta la interactividad, la accesibilidad, así como las habilidades de participación activa y análisis crítico, entre otras. En la sociedad altamente tecnológica en la que vivimos, hacer uso de estas herramientas y aplicaciones ayuda a los alumnos a conectar con la era digital en la que viven.

·Applications of reading aloud

Listen to the text aloud as you read will help you to concentrate better. These recordings are conducive to the understanding of the information, which also generates considerable progress in skills such as writing.

·Annotation tools

Añadir notas, resaltar texto y hacer comentarios en línea son algunas de las acciones que puedes ejecutar con este tipo de herramientas. Así, conseguirás organizar mejor la información y recordar durante más tiempo un mayor número de conceptos

·Immersive technologies

Your experiences will be immersive and multi-sensory helps to visualize and understand much better the information that you're learning. The creation of educational materials attractive power assimilation!


The video is already positioned as an indispensable resource in education. The intervention of expert teachers also encourages curiosity and learning. Topics to more abstract receive an approach that is more tangible. In this way, students increase their level of involvement significantly.

Practice your reading comprehension with these exercises. Take note!

Existe una amplia multitud de métodos y ejercicios para mejorar la comprensión lectora. A continuación, compartimos algunos de los más efectivos. Te recomendamos que los practiques y los incorpores a tu rutina de estudio. Aunque creas que algunos de ellos puedan resultar sencillos de interiorizar, es clave entrenarlos día a día. ¡Toma nota de los siguientes diez ejercicios de comprensión lectora!

  • – Subrayar y resumir. Mark the most important parts and synthesizes the information.
  • – Analizar el texto. It segments the text in its main building blocks and detects its structure. Know how to make schemes it is basic in this exercise reading comprehension.
  • – Preguntas y respuestas. Ask yourself questions before, during, and after the reading process.
  • Lectura con pausas. Establecer momentos de detención de la lectura contribuye a la reflexión.
  • – Crea inferencias. Formulate hypotheses and conclusions on the content that you are forming.
  • – Memorizar. Use rules mnemonic and don't forget anything.
  • – Establece comparaciones. Looking for content on the same topic, relaciónalos and see how it outlines the concepts.
  • – Lectura en voz alta. Este ejercicio de comprensión lectora te ayudará a prestar atención a los conceptos y procesarlos mediante la escucha.
  • – Practica la visualización. It creates a mental image of what is learned. It will help you to better understand the content and retain it!
  • – Participa en debates.  Constantly interacts with other people. So, it will detect which parts are more difficult to understand. For example, the pupils of the Advanced Vocational Training Course in Automobile están muy habituados a reflexionar juntos en los talleres de UNIVERSAE. ¡Haz tú lo mismo!

Incorporates exercises reading comprehension to your daily activity

As we said, to really understand what we read is proceso continuo. Requiere de paciencia y práctica. Es por ello por lo que el compromiso resulta indispensable para experimentar resultados. En definitiva, la comprensión lectora es una destreza que ayuda a la inserción y progreso laboral. 

In our training programs include strategies that enhance continuously improving your reading comprehension. In UNIVERSAE our students have access to a método innovador y disruptivo. ¡Está diseñado para que su aprendizaje sea efectivo y ameno!

El desarrollo personal y profesional de los alumnos pasa por una preparación hacia el pensamiento crítico. Las herramientas y los ejercicios de comprensión lectora te prepararán mejor para acceder al mundo laboral. ¡A por ello!

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