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Telecare, what is and what types you have?

Wednesday, 13 de March de 2024

Discover in this article what is the telecare, what it is, its benefits and different types. The independence that provides remote control brand the difference in the way you live. Get started on this post! You what we have in the blog UNIVERSAE (.


What is Telecare?

The technology allows to provide individualized attention in lots of circumstances. There are specific sectors of the population that can take advantage of these advantages offered by technology to increase the quality of his routine. In this sense, the telecare is presented as a remote service that meet the needs of the most vulnerable people with limited autonomy. This kind of assistance, available 24/7, 365 days a year, to protect users dependent.

Usually, this service is oriented to different groups, including older people, those with disabilities and those who have a degree of dependence. Also, their use may be targeted to the chronically ill, children, and pregnancy. This is a tailor-made solution with which to maintain the independence of the day-to-day. In this way, knowing that there is one immediate attention in case of need, you can enjoy an extra peace of mind.

To ensure a quality service, it is imperative that the experts who provide these services have specialized training. With the Intermediate Vocational Training Course in Health Emergencies or Average grade in the Care of People in Situation of Dependency you will gain the qualification needed to become a professional essential to the implementation of the new trends in technological and organisational innovation.

What is Telecare?

Live with the uncertainty to suffer with a problem are committed and does not have a support is one of the thoughts most common of certain vulnerable groups. Notify the emergency services or to the family of the most traditional way, in critical circumstances, can be a barrier that hinders the care they need. Have a professional support permanent, through direct contact with a multidisciplinary team, provides for dealing with any kind of unexpected event. The telecare is a service for its direct users, but also for the immediate environment, as can be the family.

Telecare involves the installation of a device the user has access to with the aim of establishing an immediate communication. The push-button, often in the form of a pendant or a bracelet, does not hamper the movement regardless of the activity that is being developed. In this way, you can detect and warn the act in case of falls, fires, gas leaks, etc When you select the action, the specialized staff in telecare is responsible for the care, taking into account the given circumstance and alert to the actual emergency or the contacts closest to you, depending on what happened.

Among the most common services telecare also highlights the delivery of drugs to your home, custody of keys, called that promote a healthy lifestyle, support to caregivers... Each type of system remote control is different, but all of them are aims to provide a custom response and immediately, as well as mitigate the loneliness of its users.

Benefits of Telecare

The independence that provides remote control brand the difference in the way you live. Using this type of services are you can prevent the transfer to a nursing home, for example, which often come to increase the level of well-being. Each situation has a world of concrete details and it is that individual adaptation that makes the users get to significantly improve the quality of life. Between the main reasons for those that have the tele-assistance service, we emphasize:

  • Immediate assistance. The fast performance is key in the remote control. The devices provide early prevention of possible complications and, consequently, a rapid performance, reducing the impact of potential emergencies.
  • Uninterrupted protection. This service performs constant monitoring that is accomplished to provide support in case of situations of loneliness or anxiety, as well as urgency.
  • – Promotion of the autonomy of users. Maintain the ability to cope with and make decisions, with a support, it is elemental to increase personal satisfaction.
  • – Reduction of hospitalizations. The use of services of the remote control decreases the number of trips to the hospital, which also results in a reduction of the collapse in the health systems and income avoidable, among others.
  • – Decrease the digital divide. Technological solutions and, in particular, that the people are comfortable in their homes safely. In this way, we can begin to break the digital divide, which brings numerous benefits to your activity.
  • – Peace of mind for the family environment. Through the notice to family members or contact persons elected, we also provide solutions in situations of emergency. This has a direct influence in the tranquility of the environment of the user.

Types of Telecare

The modalities of telecare are adjusted to the requirements of its users. With the goal that each one of them has access to the best response, you have the following alternatives:

·Depending on the type of assistance

There are different types of claims to which users have access to services telecare. In this classification include those relating to emergency situations in need of immediate attention. Also, it highlights the service of telemedicine by which you receive orientation before any medical questions that may arise. Detect fire or leakage of gas, is performed through the technical safety. Also, the geolocation, the establishment of reminders and the management of different communication channels are some of the most common services.

·According to drive type

In this regard, there are three categories. The passive systems controlling the activity of users through the use of sensors that we deal with to give notice when a person has prolonged by a lack of movement, for example. The active systems are put in place by pressing the detector of emergency with the aim of receiving care by our expert personnel. In the systems semiactivos the multidisciplinary team of telecare contact proactively with users (such as reminders, tracking health status, etc) and combines with the active systems.

·Depending on the type of response

When the center of the attention she gets notice of a call, and is responsible for contact with emergency or with the relatives is a type of response without mobile unit. The option of a mobile unit intervene to resolve incidents that have a tinge of urgency high. This is another service that can be included in the solutions of telecare, taking into account the previous release of keys, with the goal that you can access quickly to the address, in case of need.

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