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What is FOL? Training and career Counseling

Wednesday, 15 de February de 2023

Find out what is the Training and Guidance of Labour (FOL), and what importance it has for the degrees of Middle Grade and Top Grade. Did you know that is a subject cross-which is key to your new world of work? In UNIVERSAE we provide exclusive resources to enhance your employability from your formative stage. I read this article to learn what is to FOL!

what is FOL

Why FOL is a core course in TVET?

The subject Training and career Guidance, also known by its acronym as FOL, is cross-sectional in the official qualifications of TVET. In condensed form, it is a matter required to be successful in the working world. To those students who pursue a degree of mid-Grade or Higher Degree will help them to prepare for the demands of the labour market. It gives them the opportunity to develop valuable skills! What, then, you'd know to tell us what is FOI? We invite you to read this article to learn why it is essential in all training plans of the TVET.

·What is FOL and why is it so important?

As we said, FOL assumes a key tool for our students to achieve their professional goals. With an agenda focused on providing extra value to your resume, receive orientation on how to look for a job and how to apply as candidates who stand out in the selection process. In this sense, it is key that the technical skills acquired during the training will be supplemented by the soft skills. To understand what are the strengths and weaknesses of individuals is the first step to develop a effective plan.

Equally, to better understand what is to FOL, it is important to highlight that this course also aims to help students to internalize the why of the changes in the labour market. So, can adapt to the current trends and to anticipate the future. Develop a strategy to align personal interests with the demands of professionals is crucial in order not to miss opportunities. In short, to study FOL helps to extend the employment prospects and, consequently, the vision entrepreneurial. The ability of leadership and working as a team is paramount!

In addition to the above-mentioned aspects, these are some of the other contents major, you will learn in FOL:

  • – Professional guidance and active job search
  • – Work equipment
  • – Conflict management
  • – Contracts of employment and labour relations
  • – Safety and health at work
  • – Assessment of professional risks

Tips to help you get the maximum performance in FOL

FOL is a subject cross, which is provided, for example, to put in positions as varied as Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection Certificate of Higher Education distance learning or Marketing and Advertising, as well as in Industrial Automation and Robotics, among others. We continue moving forward so that you know perfectly what is to FOL.

  • Utiliza todos los recursos disponibles. In UNIVERSAE you have access to a wide variety of training resources that are innovative, that will help you to assimilate the content of enjoyable and fun.
  • – You start to do networking. Look for opportunities and connects with professional facilitators of the industry in which you want to develop yourself professionally. You can get started in social networks. Put into practice everything learned in parallel!
  • – It takes the pulse constantly of your progress. Do not forget to keep track of your progress in this course and plans to study effectively. In UNIVERSAE360 you can know your progress easily.
  • Crea proyectos personales. Get involved in your own passion to develop your knowledge and skills in areas in which you want to begin to position yourself as a specialist.
  • – Oh, she perseveres! The positive attitude and the constant contact with the teaching team will manage to overcome the subject and that will be useful in your professional career. Don't be left with any doubt in your internship period and test each day in your formative stage.

What is FOI? ¡A subject essential for your professional success!

O BAG is a course that provides students with resources that will be used throughout all your life! Know how to apply them in real situations of work greatly facilitates the professional path. Aware of these needs that are essential to our students, we complement the training with access to OpenUNIVERSAE. En este punto de encuentro, empresas y profesionales buscan contribuir, a través de la experiencia, al impulso de la empleabilidad de nuestros alumnos. A través de un extenso programa de actividades exclusivas, nuestra comunidad educativa puede poner en práctica en primera persona qué es FOL. ¡Desarrollarás habilidades empresariales valiosas!

Recuerda que las  TVET with more oportunities professionals are available on UNIVERSAE. Our academic advisors will be responsible for assist you to boost your career!

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