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Do you know what are all the types of Artificial Intelligence?

Tuesday, 5 de December de 2023

The artificial intelligence is on almost all sides! This is already influenced by the great opportunities that it provides. In the future, there are limits that we can't even imagine today. If you are interested in artificial intelligence, in this article we tell you what are the types of artificial intelligence that exist. Jump in and find out!


types of artificial intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence today is tangible for a large part of the population. Being a concept that is understood by very far, it occupies space in all type of means of communication, because it is increasingly present in our daily activities. In the framework of computer science, this discipline is understood by machines designed to reason, learn, take action and solve problems. It is based, mainly, in the machine learning and deep, which analyzes data, generate predictions, etc

So, what is artificial intelligence? In essence, it seeks to to imitate the human intelligencerunning capabilities that were considered to be only for the human being. It is a discipline that thrives on data from branches of knowledge vary widely, as can be robotics, linguistics, and economics, among others.

Decades of research and development have given way to this technological transformation that reaches almost all aspects of society. Artificial intelligence covers a wide range of applications and has an impact increasingly significant in all type of industries and in the day-to-day. It is for this reason that it is redefining the way in which we work and in which we live. It comes to the world and, therefore, the resolution of problems in another way! We continue in this article with the classification of artificial intelligence.

Classification of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is classified into various types, each with its own features and applications. It is necessary to bear in mind that, as technology advances, the classification was also changed and sophisticated! The continuous training it is key to keep yourself updated. Enter into this world as exciting with the Microcomputer Systems and Networks VET, you will form to the constant dynamism of the computer world. Also, you can connect to and manage the most important points with Administration of Computer Network Systems Certificate of Higher Educationensuring the safety and efficiency of the networks. Similarly, with the Double Degree in Development of cross-Platform Applications + Web Application Development you will have a global perspective that will provide you with a strategic vision and creative to enhance the performance of the tools of artificial intelligence. I present to you the classifications most popular!

·According to capacity

There are various types of artificial intelligence, according to their ability! Its rapid growth makes it the emergence of different categories that define its scope and capacity. Since the performance of a specific task, to overcome the boundaries of human knowledge, the spectrum of the artificial intelligence presents complexities and potentialities. Surely, we are transforming our relationship with technology!

  • IA – weak (narrow or close)
This is one of the types of artificial intelligence more specific. It is highly effective in specific tasks and is not able to extrapolate their knowledge to situations outside of their predefined scope. They are expert systems in a limited field!
  • – AI strong (strong or general)
At this level of artificial intelligence, we demonstrate the ability to understand, learn, and, ultimately, to emulate human intelligence. Despite the fact that it is more versatile, it is still facing important challenges. It is still far from a practical on a large scale!
  • – AI superintelligence
It is located in the initial stages of their development. It is a concept futuristic! In principle, exceed the understanding and problem-solving abilities of the human mind. It could prove to be more efficient and faster than any human being, which raises ethical challenges and safety.

·According to functionality

In the sphere dynamics of the artificial intelligence, the machines are not all the same. They are not only tools but is constantly transformed in its functionality. ¡Follow! In the Arend Hintze, a prominent researcher and pioneer in this field, proposes the following classification:

  • – Reactive systems
They are common in controlled environments where there are variables predictable. These systems are the basis of artificial intelligence and respond directly to specific stimuli in real-time. They are fast and precise in contexts structured!
  • – Limited memory
Have the ability to learn, taking into account the previous experience. However, there are restrictions in terms of retention and decision making. Anyway, learn to improve their performance with time.
  • – Theory of mind
At this level of artificial intelligence, the systems are able to interact in a more complex way. In theory, include both the physical environment and observable as the intentions and inner emotions of others. I anticipate and plan!
  • – Self-consciousness
Among the types of artificial intelligence also highlights the self-consciousness, being the most advanced. It develops the more complex functionality of all! In this hypothetical level, the machine is conscious of itself, of its own state and to reflect on their own actions.

Examples of the Types of Artificial Intelligence

To better understand the types of artificial intelligence, we share some tangible examples, you could experience in the day-to-day:

  • – According to capacity
An example of IA weak (narrow or close) is facial recognition used in security cameras or e-mail filters that identify spam messages. A case of AI strong (strong or general) could be the driving systems of autonomous vehicles, which make decisions on adaptive interpreting the changes in the environment. In regards to the AI superintelligencehypothetically, we could create a global system capable of analyzing data on a global scale in understanding the complexities of geopolitics, taking into account ethical aspects and safety.
  • – According to functionality
A traffic light intelligent adjust to the level of traffic, or a thermostat that modifies its temperature according to the reading of the climate, would be examples of Reactive systems. The limited memory it incorporates the recommendations of platforms in which they are used records search to predict preferences. The Theory of mind would be reflected in the use of communication assistants that they would interpret the words of the users, as well as the possible state of mind. A course for the Self-awareness could be machines that perform self-assessments of their own productivity, pursuing to establish aspects of improvement.

The mathematical models and algorithms to process data and extract patterns. In this sense, we can not forget the ethical concerns related to artificial intelligence. I train and erases the limits! 

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