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What is Blockchain : meaning and characteristics

Thursday, 2 de March de 2023

The automation of processes, the collection of large volumes of data, the guarantee of privacy... In the digital era in which we find the technology of blockchain has connection with many of these concepts. What is blockchain, then? How it is applied in the Vocational Education and in other sectors? I keep reading this blog entry!

what is blockchain

What is blockchain? Definition and basic concepts

We could say that we are in the early stages of the development of the blockchain. ¡Tiene un potencial que rompe con todo lo anterior! ¿Sabrías decir qué es esta tecnología? ¿Cómo se integra en la Formación Profesional y en otros sectores? En este artículo te contamos más para que conozcas una de las technological trends more relevant today. This growing interest will cause the jobs most in demand required knowledge blockchain. Companies that pursue innovative and efficient solutions are the ones that put the eyes in this kind of profiles. So, do not lose detail!

Para comprender mejor qué es blockchain, es fundamental conocer cuál es su definición. Se trata de una technology that is changing the world and is based on a decentralized network. In a few words, the blockchain it is a chain blocks that stores information so seguro y transparente, without the need for a central authority to control. The blockchain allows all nodes of a network will have an identical copy of the chain of blocks. It has a great power to diminish corruption. With this digital technology can guarantee the accuracy of the operations on the internet!

Applications blockchain in the Vocational Training

Technology blockchain it has a multitude of applications in the field of Vocational Training. It is a useful tool for entities that put the focus on stay relevant on a day-to-day increasingly automated, in that the privacy of the data is elemental. The integration of this technology, used in UNIVERSAE, creates a more effective system for the educational community. From the point of view of training, for example, the pupils of the Microcomputer Systems and Networks VET learn to develop solutions based on blockchain. It is for this reason that they can directly benefit deepening during its formative stage in what is blockchain.

·Examples of use blockchain education

Below, we share concrete examples of the use of the blockchain in the education sector. It provides many benefits!

  • – Garantía de la integridad de los registros 
  • – Certificación de competencias profesionales
  • – Facilitación de la transferencia de créditos y la movilidad de los alumnos
  • – Creación de comunidades de aprendizaje
  • – Perfeccionamiento de la seguridad de la información 
  • – Recopilación y análisis de datos
  • – Elaboración de programas curriculares personalizados

How it integrates the blockchain in other sectors

Originally, this technology was linked closely with the criptodivisas. However, as we said, the blockchain es una tecnología disruptiva que puede aplicarse en múltiples sectores de infinidad de formas. ¡Estar a la vanguardia de esta tecnología revolucionaria permite ir un paso por delante! Saber qué es blockchain and how to implement it helps to improve the confidence and effectiveness of the systems.

The financial sector it's another one of the first who began to adopt this technology. With its use reduces the costs of transactions and ensure the privacy in the processing of payments through the data stored in the chain of blocks. In the health sector, for example, can be considerably improved the management of medical records. This creates a higher quality of care to patients. In addition, the energy sector combined with the use of the blockchain, makes it possible to prioritize the sources of generation assets. Similarly, in the logistics sector it manages to optimize the tracking of the supply chain in real-time.

The possibilities are virtually endless! When shared encrypted data in a decentralized network and immutable, it can carry out operations, accurate and fast.

What is blockchain: prospects for the future

The blockchain it is a technology that is constantly evolving. Start exploring the options provided assumes a paradigm shift en todo tipo de compañías. ¡Las oportunidades que se presentan son enormes! Integrarla en los procesos tiene grandes impactos en términos de negocio y en términos sociales.

En el marco de la digital transformation in which we live, the use of blockchain reconfigures the protocols on the internet. It is a technology that offers solutions win-win, in which all parties win!

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