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What is CRM?

Wednesday, 15 de May de 2024

Companies seek to differentiate, consistently providing personalized experiences to their customers. In this article we will tell you what is CRM and why it has become a fundamental element, regardless of the industry. Learn more about the different types and you will know some of the most popular platforms. Get reading!

what is CRM

What is CRM

The acronym CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management”, which in English refers to Management of Relationships with the Client. To know what is CRM has become an essential tool for companies of all sizes. It has gone from being a strategy optional to turn into a indispensable practice in most of the companies. From e-commerce to financial services, for example, with these platforms are able to optimize operations, achieving a higher level of profitability, as well as customer satisfaction. As we said, its use is not just trade, but also includes functions applicable to departments of project management, data analysis, marketing, etc, In a few words, we could say that a CRM is a comprehensive solution that adapts to the corporate requirements.

Process automation, customization of campaigns, sales tracking, reporting, and recommendation of relevant products... In short, it allows companies to have a complete vision of each client. All of these utilities specific to significantly improve the user experience. In addition, they facilitate the internal team collaboration, streamlining access to all types of information.

The use of CRM helps to identify opportunities and to adapt quickly to changes in the market. In this sense, training is key! On the one hand, the possibilities of the digital world expands with the Multiplatform Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education distance learning, where you will combine creativity with technology, being a profile key in the use of this tool. On the other hand, if you want to learn how to create effective campaigns, the Marketing and Advertising Certificate of Higher Education prepares you to control the platforms and CRM to obtain increased performance.

Why it is important to CRM

The functions of a CRM are diverse and have the goal of improving the quality of any service! Not only does it simplify the management of customer data, but also can boost the productivity in all areas. In the first instance, highlighted by centralizing data and automate workflows by providing faster service and custom. This transforms the way in which it interacts with customers and promotes a collaborative culture. To streamline repetitive tasks and tedious, CRM frees up time for more strategic activities. The automation of processes it is one of its main strengths!

The accuracy and efficiency are other distinguishing features of a CRM. Dispense means obsolete and manuals favors that companies can focus on actions to be more innovative. These tools stand out for its great capacity to ensure a performance based on customer data in real-time.

The business growth it is the main goal of any CRM. It is a direct consequence of an effective strategy! In addition to offering customizable reports, through the use of control panels intuitive, offers the possibility to quickly and easily make decisions that drive growth. The technology of these tools provides a solid basis for the diversification of products, so encouraging expansion and the achievement of long-term achievements of the company. ¡We move forward in what is CRM!

Types of CRM

The value of every interaction with clients is maximized by making use of a CRM. This tool covers all the stages of the life cycle of the customer! It is important to evaluate each type of CRM, in accordance with the different needs and priorities of each organization in terms of accessibility, security, and customization, among others.

CRM systems can be classified according to the technology used for its implementation. The CRM in the cloud, which is hosted on remote servers and accessible via the internet, provides a quick and flexible implementation. Meanwhile, the CRM local, which is installed on internal servers, provides a more direct control over data and security.

From the point of view of the functionality, the CRM is divided into three main categories. The CRM operating focuses on the automation of business processes related to the customer, such as sales and marketing. The Analytical CRM focuses on the collection and analysis of data to obtain information on the behavior and the preferences of the client. The Collaborative CRM it seeks to improve the communication and collaboration between the different departments of the company to offer a more integrated and efficient. It is clear that the diversity of features in the CRM system allows businesses to tailor their approach based on your specific needs.

Best CRM

Between the options leaders CRM is a wide variety of well-established brands in the market. Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics 365 and SAP are some of them that have services of CRM with a long-haul demonstrating its effectiveness in the management of relationships with customers.

Before you select your CRM more appropriate, it is important to perform a comprehensive analysis the features and capabilities that each platform offers. Previously, considering the ease of use, integration with other systems and the support provided by each provider. Keep in mind how you can align closely with the business processes of your company and check if you can easily adapt, depending on your volume of business will increase. Remember that you can usually request a free trial or a live demo on the main options.

Before taking a decision, it is essential to involve all the parties are going to use this tool, from the sales team up to the computer. I am sure this article has been useful to know what is CRM and why he is currently one of the tools the protagonists to boost the value of companies!

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