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What is the cyber security

Thursday, 3 de November de 2022

In this article we share a first approximation of what is cybersecurity and its importance today. Learn what are the stages of the most prominent cybersecurity and the types of threats more common. We mentioned that the main objective is to ensure the proper functioning and integrity of the digital infrastructure. The training is necessary to provide quick answers to possible failures in the systems!

what is the cyber security

What is cyber security and how does it work? The keys you need to know!

Protect our environment digital is already a binding activity in the scope private and in the professional environment. ¿Eres consciente de las vulnerabilidades técnicas que se abren con el uso de dispositivos que utilizas constantemente? ¿Sabes qué es la ciberseguridad? ¡Te contamos más!

¿Qué es la ciberseguridad? It is very possible that once you've raised this question, since the rise of the hacks is putting this discipline in the first flat. Cybersecurity is the practice that deals with protecting the most important systems and confidential information, as well as devices, against attacks in the digital realm. Its main objective is to to ensure the proper functioning and integrity of the digital infrastructure.

To become a specialist in the Industry Cyber Security it is necessary to properly manage a set of tools and procedures. Se trata de un sector con una gran carencia de profesionales y una alta demanda. Matricúlate en el Máster de Gestión en Ciberseguridad y fórmate de la mano de los expertos más reconocidos en todo el mundo.

Phases of the cybersecurity

Every time they are most common threats in the field of technology. Cybersecurity has become one of the fields most relevant to all types of users they have to attend to. It is for this reason that it is necessary to apply a series of measures with which it to preserve the data. To understand what is cybersecurity, it is necessary to know the major phases that compose it. Take note!


During this first phase, it is necessary to raise the level of awareness about the potential threats to which we are exposed. It is essential to monitor the computer systems frequently and act early with experts in the area. I have a basic knowledge of what is cybersecurity is essential!


Then, it is essential to locate where to find the possible sources of vulnerability. It is essential to eliminate any risk of entry, analyzing where is the source and taking into account the implementation of appropriate procedures to prevent the occurrence cyber incident.


At this stage, to have a contingency plan lessens the impact of the threats. Develop a technical strategy with which to control the situation, it is essential to avoid the worst consequences. Disconnect the equipment, perform password changes, and cleaning systems are some of the steps that you must take into account.

What is cyber security and its importance?

So, now that you know a little more about what is cyber security, what'd know say, why is it so important? The rapid growth of technological innovation en todo el mundo ha eliminado barreras en todos los sentidos, pero también ha presentado nuevos riesgos. La ciberdelincuencia se traduce en graves repercusiones, llegando a provocar grandes pérdidas económicas en todo tipo de contextos. En la actualidad, la mayoría de las empresas están inmersas en la transformación digital. Así, el canal de comunicación y la forma en la que compartimos información más comunes tiene lugar en la esfera de internet. Es un hecho que ningún sistema es totalmente seguro. Ante esto, es fundamental demostrar una fast response time potential failures. All workers of a company to know what is cybersecurity and its importance is key. In this way, we must implement protocols, with which to address potential cyber threats.

The reasons by protecting the connectivity in cyberspace are very varied:

  • – Book the confidentiality of the information
  • – To reduce the risk
  • – Avoid reputation crisis
  • – Confronting threats instantly
  • – Improve productivity

More common types of cyber threats

I continue to move on what is the cyber security! There are different types of attacks that, as a professional, you will have to face. Every day, new ways and methods, your skill as an expert will be crucial to prevent costly damage. These are some of the cyber attacks are more common. You will be sure that you have heard of any of them!

– Malware: refers to a malicious software that spreads via a file attachment. It is intrusive, it affects intentionally infected devices and also infects the other with which to communicate.

– Phishing: it is a way to impersonate the identity with the goal of making users think that they are interacting with the actual entity, and share personal data.

– Spyware: it is a type of malicious program that collects all the information and navigation in common use, among other data.

DDoS – Attack: It is an attack on a larger scale, with the aim to disable a server or infrastructure. In this way, collapse, web sites or servers inundándolos with traffic.

As you can see, other specialties related to the area of Cybersecurity can nurture degrees Computing TVET. ¡En UNIVERSAE you will become a qualified professional with the most innovative!

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