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Full Stack Programmer: what is a Full Stack Programmer and its functions

Wednesday, 29 de March de 2023

In this article we will explain to you in detail what it means to be a programmer to full stack. I read it and learn what are their main functions and skills more outstanding! As an expert in technology, involved in the whole life-cycle of an application, from concept creation to the end of its useful life. I'll be a professional multi-purpose!

developer full stack what is

Discover what is like to be a programmer to Full Stack

One of the roles are most popular in the world of technology it is the full stack developer. Do you know it say what it does, what are their functions and skills that promote your profile? The demand for this type of professional has been on the rise in recent years and the trend, clearly, continues to rise. If you want to know what is a programmer to full stack, in this article we will resolve all your questions on one of the new careers of the future!

·A Full Stack developer is as a musician that knows how to play several instruments

Podríamos comparar a un desarrollador full stack con un músico que toca varios instrumentos y puede componer una canción desde cero. Siguiendo esta analogía, para componer una aplicación, este profesional debe saber manejar una amplia variedad de lenguajes de programación y herramientas. Un “músico full stack” puede elaborar la letra, la melodía y la armonía. Además, es capaz de tocar la batería, la guitarra, el piano y cualquier otro instrumento que se precise en una banda. Por tanto, se trata de un perfil multidisciplinar que no depende de otros músicos para dar un concierto.

Thus, a developer full stack is capable of working in all the moments of the output of an application. In the same way, as is the case with the musicians, who may specialize in a particular instrument, for example, a developer may choose to boost your experience with a greater orientation in front end or back end. Not to forget that a programmer to full stack has a solid understanding of the entire process!

·Become a developer software multi-purpose

In short, a programmer, full stack is prepared to work in both the client-side as in the server-side, as well as in all intermediate layers. Is responsible for the part visual and interaction with the user and part logic and data storage. In summary, a full stack developer is a professional who possesses a great deal of versatility. In this way, is able to assume a wide variety of tasks in the process of creating web applications.

Are you passionate about technology? These are the functions of a Full Stack profile

El día a día de un programador full stack varía dependiendo del proyecto en el que esté involucrado. Este perfil es capaz de trabajar durante todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de una aplicación. Lo hace desde la fase de planificación, pasando por la de implementación, hasta la de mantenimiento. A continuación, te contamos cuáles son las funciones principales:

·Front End Development

This is the visible part of the application, with which the end user interacts. Thus, it is of great relevance to the structure, aesthetics and visual, taking into account the logic of the client. Works in close collaboration with designers, UX/UI, to ensure the best experience of use and accessibility. It is used by languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

·Back-End Development

Also, is responsible for the part that the user does not see, who have a direct relationship with the application server. This is, for example, the database management, the functionality of the application, as well as the communication with the server. In addition, it is responsible for its security and stability. To do this it has to have knowledge of programming languages like PHP, Ruby, Python, or Java, among others.

·Maintenance and update

Another of the prominent roles played by a programmer to full stack is the maintenance and update of the application according to new needs or errors are detected. Be aware of the latest technologies and trends is key for this professional profile.

·Project organization

Coordinate the requirements is fundamental so that the project is delivered on time. Integrate all the parts, and deploy them in a production environment agile is also part of the functions that is running a full stack developer. Make sure to control all the process is well armed is another of the main tasks of this position.

Know the key skills of a Full Stack developer

Although the profession of full stack developer is very requested, it is not necessary that you be an expert in all programming languages. The most important is to be able to adapt quickly and demonstrate a great capacity for learning! Como desarrollador de aplicaciones, es importante tener una buena comprensión de los conceptos de arquitectura de software, bases de datos y seguridad.

Undoubtedly, a programmer has the ability to work in a team. Multidisciplinary collaboration arise solutions that provide users with a better experience. In addition, the importance of creativity and the ability to think out of the box it is essential for the daily activity. Similarly, a full stack developer, it is capable of to work in parallel in different aspects. The communication skills and empathy it is essential!

Start your career in application development. It leads in the future!

If it is in your plans to begin a career as a professional in the world of technology, contemplates becoming a programmer to full stack. There are many options to meet your purpose work, such as Superior technician in Development of cross-Platform Applications distance or Superior technician in Development of Web Applications to distance.The two official titles of TVET provide the tools necessary to create complete solutions!

In this area, the professional growth opportunities are very extensive. With a wide range of technical skills, have the option to take on leadership roles. It breaks down barriers, and study what you like!

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