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What is a merchandiser and types of merchandising

Wednesday, 26 de October de 2022

In this article you will discover what a merchandiser is and what merchandising is. This professional figure and the techniques I've implements will be very useful so that a product or service does not go unnoticed! By studying the official's degree in Sales Management and Commercial Spaces at UNIVERSAE (, you will have access to this professional opportunity in which you will improve the customer's shopping experience. You will learn with the most disruptive method!

what is a merchandiser

Qué es el merchandising y la figura del merchandiser

Constantly exploring new ways to capture the attention and guide the purchase decision of users is increasingly necessary. In the current context, in which the market competitiveness is becoming more demanding every day, conseguir que los potenciales clientes centren la mirada en una marca o un producto supone un gran reto. Para lograrlo es necesario contar con profesionales expertos que creen estrategias de merchandising. En este artículo desglosamos qué es ser un merchandiser y qué es el merchandising.

Para proporcionar una fuerte identidad a una marca e informar de las ventajas competitivas de sus diferentes servicios y productos, es preciso implementar tácticas a medida. El objetivo es que los clientes descubran un producto concreto, lo prueben y lo vuelvan a adquirir. ¡Como veremos a continuación, qué es ser un merchandiser está muy relacionado con la misión de conseguir que un producto o servicio no pase inadvertido!

Keep in mind that if you want to become an expert in this area, the area of VET Trade and Marketing You will know all the tools to develop yourself professionally. Let's start!

A profession on the rise in the marketing environment!

It is very likely that you have seen job offers looking for candidates to fill positions as a merchandiser. It is a profession whose demand does not stop increasing! El principal motivo se debe a que encontrar un hueco en los puntos de venta cada vez es más complicado. La amplia oferta de productos y servicios por categorías no para de crecer en todos los sectores. Esto implica que los clientes potenciales tienen una gran variedad de opciones donde elegir. Es por ello que es necesario aplicar estrategias de marketing con el foco en el posicionamiento, en las que se requieren técnicas de merchandising. Sabrías entonces responder la pregunta ¿qué es un merchandiser? ¡Te lo contamos!

Is work exit It focuses on promoting sales with visual and advertising material to position a brand in the consumer's mind. The merchandiser designs and analyzes the action plans to understand the behavior of consumers in the face of the promotion techniques used. Likewise, it must control the most strategic points of sale.

En definitiva, para entender mejor qué es un merchandiser, es imprescindible conocer que su misión es la de promover las ventas de un determinado producto o servicio. Para ello ha de considerar los lugares más atractivos y contar con material con el que llamar la atención del potencial cliente. Además, ha de comprobar el inventario de los productos que gestiona de forma constante. Siendo así clave remarcar que las reuniones con el personal comercial son habituales en su día a día.

What is merchandise? Know the most used techniques!

The set of techniques that contributes to boost sales and profitability of businesses is what is understood by merchandising. In this way, it seeks to influence the client who is surprised by generation of positive emotions related to a specific product or service.

Merchandising classification is varied and can be combined to optimize results. There is a whole range of proven strategies with which to get customers decide on certain products or services. To understand what merchandising is and what a merchandiser is, we share the most commonly used techniques:


To further delve into what merchandising is, this type is essential. Visual merchandising refers to the activities used to display products. This is, for example, an adequate use of lighting, the layout of the space or the colorimetry used. In addition, through this technique the places of most activity are identified so that the acquisition is more comfortable and impulsive. Thus, it is not necessary to question the client directly.


These are the strategies used to boost sales on digital platforms. It mainly consists of applying special discounts and including promotional products, without harming the user's browsing experience. In the process, the support in channels such as social networks or e-mail marketing is relevant.

·Of seduction

What is seduction merchandising? Through this type of merchandise, the customer is invited to try the product for free. In this way, actions are developed with the use of exhibitors, where consumers can interact with the products or services. To do this, the sensory factors such as smell, taste or touch must be taken into account. Likewise, the humane treatment of a specialist is key to capturing attention.

·Outside the point of sale

Son las estrategias contempladas fuera de la organización o del punto de venta. El merchandiser tiene también que contemplar este tipo de acciones. ¡En el exterior también se pueden generar oportunidades para captar la atención de los clientes! Por ejemplo, se puede identificar fácilmente qué es el merchandising fuera del punto de venta, cuando una empresa sitúa un stand en el mismo espacio ferial que lo hacen otras del mismo sector. Las opciones son muy amplias y retroalimentan a las acciones ejecutadas en el punto de venta.

You will be a marketer who will improve the customer's shopping experience!

As can be seen, the field of merchandising takes into account many criteria. ¡Cualquier detalle cuenta para potenciar la venta de cualquier producto o servicio! Cursando el Higher Degree Sales Management and Commercial Spaces You will acquire all the necessary knowledge to develop professionally as a merchandiser. At UNIVERSAE (, you will learn with the most technological educational method! 

Currently, merchandising plays a very important role in the purchase decision. The benefits are clear! The merchandiser and the correct use of merchandising influences the presence of the brand and its reputation. Consequently, to greater proximity of the products is promoted, which collaborates in customer loyalty. Ensuring a good experience causes a better positioning in the minds of consumers!

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