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What Certificate of Higher Education to study for national police?

Wednesday, 27 de March de 2024

What VET you should pick to be national police? If you want to develop yourself professionally in this field, read this post to know more on what is the qualification that is more aligned with your interests. Let we tell you more about the conditions!

what FP studying for the national police

Subjects national police Certificate of Higher Education

The Vocational Training is seen as one of the types of training most common by opting the national police. The options are very spacious! For example, the students of the Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection Certificate of Higher Education they know how to act in situations in which it is necessary to respond quickly and make decisions in critical moments, in addition to the planning and coordination of all types of interventions. The students of the Transport and Logistics Certificate of Higher Education they will have the advantage of knowing how to efficiently manage resources, an essential component in all types of police operations.

Similarly, in an environment increasingly diverse, the Communication Mediation Certificate of Higher Education results in capabilities to handle all kinds of situations with people with communication difficulties, language and speech. With the Social Integration Certificate of Higher Education you will gain knowledge of coordination of community resources, attention to vulnerable groups, etc In the context of road safety, in the Degree in Higher Automotive we offer expertise in maintenance and repair of automobiles, important aspects in the investigation of accidents.

What Certificate of Higher Education to study for national police?

The previous official qualifications in vocational training will help you be better prepared and take less time in face of the opposition pertinent to enter this security force, which deals with maintaining public order. Despite the fact that the subjects can be varied, all of them are relevant, because the day-to-day of a national police is heterogeneous. In this way, the FP provides direct benefits in the exercise of the profession.

To obtain a level of qualification officially recognised, you will acquire specific knowledge and relevant technical in the field of police. However, your VET will develop transversal competences essential in the daily activity of this work. Including highlights enormously team work, resilience, and critical thinking, as well as the ability of problem solving and decision making. The traineeship FCT in the FP will also allow you to live a real experience!

Conditions to be national police

Those wishing to apply to be a part of this security must have obtained a Top grade FP, among other qualifications. At the time of taking the decision of what to FP to study for the police it is important to also take into account the unit to which you would like to join in the future.

Between specific requirements for admission to national police highlights overcome a series of physical tests and psychometric. Have at least 18 years of age, as well as a height minimum of 1.65 metres men and 1.60 women, are other necessary conditions. In the same way, it performs a medical examination to verify that they do not suffer from any disease or condition that may prevent the proper discharge of your duties as a police officer.

Count with the driving license class B it is essential, as they must mobilize and respond quickly to various situations. In addition, the work of police may require availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as well as the ability to adapt to rotating schedules, night shifts and emergency situations. The flexibility it is essential in the service!

Remember that each call you can have specific conditions that may vary with respect to the previous ones. It is for this reason that it is very important to examine all the details to tailor your access. The training requirements for entry in the national police are designed to ensure that candidates have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform effectively in the performance of their duties as law enforcement officers.

Difference between local police and national

Often, there is confusion about the differences between the Local Police and the National Police. I understand some of them!

  • – Scope of geographical. The Local Police operates at the municipal level, within the geographical boundaries of a municipality-specific. In contrast, the National Police has jurisdiction throughout the national territory.
  • – Duties and powers. The Local Police is primarily responsible for the regulation of traffic, the security of citizens in public spaces, the protection of the environment, the care of victims of gender violence, among other functions. Meanwhile, the National Police has a broader, including the fight against organized crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, international crime, as well as the issuance of identity documents and passports.
  • – Uniforms and badges. Also are distinguished by their uniforms and badges. The first tend to wear uniforms that reflect the identity of the municipality, and the second used an even more standardized, according to units and functions.
  • – Coordination and collaboration. Despite the fact that each institution has its own responsibilities, it is key to note that work together in cases that require a common response. I work in a team is crucial to ensure an effective reaction!

If you decide to continue your career in the field of public safety, considers To book a place to study National Police or To book a place to study Local Policetwo paths that take you to the public service with responsibility and commitment.

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