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Communication Mediation Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

  • Modality
    From distance
  • Duration
    2000 hours
  • Price
    Desde 80€/mes*
  • Convocatoria
  • Convalidación
    Hasta 2 años*

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Why enroll in Communication Mediation Certificate of Higher Education distance learning with UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and TVET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts and active in the sector

OpenUNIVERSAE. Incubator for professionals and companies

Professional outings of Communication Mediation Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

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Mediators of deafblind people

Atiende a personas sordociegas para que aprendan a interaccionar con su entorno, actuando como mediador mediante recursos de apoyo a la comunicación y técnicas acordes a cada situación. Este puesto de trabajo puede requerir un título como el de Técnico Superior en Mediación Comunicativa a distancia.

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Agent of development of the deaf community

Is an expert with knowledge in the Higher cycle in Mediating Communicative distance, que actúa dentro de las organizaciones como modelo social y comunicativo para el colectivo de personas sordas. El objetivo de esta figura profesional es fomentar la participación de las personas sordas en la sociedad, en igualdad de condiciones a través de la promoción de su autonomía personal.

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Social mediator for the deaf community

It develops its activity in the management of the language of signs and strategies of communication for people who are deaf, deafblind, hearing impaired or have difficulties with communication, language and speech. Focuses on creating strategies for communication, participation and understanding and carrying out awareness-raising actions for this group.

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Technician promotion, care and training to people who are deaf

Develops social programs, establishes guidelines for action, and organizes and implements programs of intervention in the community of people who are deaf, deafblind, hearing impairment and communication difficulties. It requires a profile responsible, observant, empathetic and friendly.

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Wizard of deafblind people

It is a very important figure within the Higher cycle in Mediating Communicative distance. Provides support to people with functional diversity or disability, in support of their daily tasks, providing them with this so that they can enjoy life more fully, comfortable and complete.

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Dynamic agent of the deaf community

Involved in the processes of attention, training and the integration related to deaf people and their environment. This profile is formed in the FP in Mediation, Communication at a distancewhat makes a trained professional in both sign language as communication strategies required to support people with communication difficulties.

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Mediator for people with communication difficulties

It focuses its activity on providing autonomy to the people who are deaf, deafblind or with communication difficulties. Can take care of functions such as to accompany and support the user in performing steps basic, guide and raise awareness about the needs of this group or energise in the participation in social activities, cultural, leisure and free time.

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Development agent and/or dynamic agent of the deaf-blind community

This professional profile acts as an intermediary between people who are deafblind and the social environment, thus mitigating the difficulties, collective may face in your daily life. Among its functions and services, such as personalized attention, to make activities inclusive, to raise awareness or offer workshops and talks.

Access requirements

To access to the Higher Degree you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

Imagen que acompaña al componente 'Requisitos'


Communication Mediation Certificate of Higher Education


2000 horas · 120 ECTS

Methodology for the social integration of people with communication, language and speech difficulties Social awareness and participation Context of communicative mediation with deafblind people Inglés profesional Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad I Sign language Intervention with people with communication difficulties Intervention techniques communicative Módulo optativo I Forms of augmentative and alternative communication Social skills Social-educational involvement with deaf-blind persons Areas of application of sign language First aid Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad II Digitalización aplicada al sistema productivo Sostenibilidad aplicada al sistema productivo Módulo optativo II Proyecto intermodular


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training offer on the market
Elige entre nuestros programas tecnológicos oficiales
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem integrating immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and constantly updated content
Responding to the needs of the current labour market.
Educational technology | edtech
Enrichment and practical application of tools that help improve learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply game dynamics to achieve your goals.
Expert and active educators
Train alongside the best professionals in the sector.
A space of more than 65,000 m2 distributed between Spain and Latin America, which contributes to promoting employment through experience.
International presence in Spain, USA and Latin America
UNIVERSAE has its own first-class facilities in the main cities of each country.
Labor insertion
Agreements with the most advanced companies in the international arena. Become one of the most demanded profiles by companies.

Communication Mediation FAQ's

What is a Mediation Communication technician?

Develops work of mediation communication for people with communication difficulties, as well as awareness-raising programmes. Studying the Degree in Mediation Communication you prepare for work in the areas of health care, educational, social, psychosocial, or support the efforts of basic.

What does a Communication Mediator do?

It is a professional whose figure is vital to support people who are deaf, deaf-blind and hard of communication, language and speech. Focuses its activity by facilitating communication strategies, understanding and involvement for users to achieve the highest of autonomy possible.

What does it take to become a Higher Technician in Communicative Mediation?

The profile required to be Superior technician in Mediating Communicative is a person responsible, sociable, empathic and observant. It is essential to show interest and dedication to the language of signs and the integration of the collective of deaf people in the society.

Where can a Specialist Technician in Communicative Mediation work?

You can develop your professional activity in both the public and private sectors. There is a demand for these professionals in the areas of health care, educational, social, or psychosocial.

How much does a Communication Mediator earn?

The average salary of a Mediator Communicative oscillates around 18,000 € gross per year. However, the profiles are more experienced can get to perceive is $ 27,000 gross per year.

Degrees related in Superior Technician in Mediating Communicative

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