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Monday, 27 February 2023

Presentation ceremony of the 8th Edition of the Race on the Day of the Woman

The eighth edition of the Race of the Woman 2023 will be held on the 5th of march through the streets of Murcia, on a tour of five kilometers. As sponsors of this event, we are also part of their recent launch event, which unveiled the program of activities on the occasion of this celebration. Get to know more details about the day, then!

Career of the Woman 2023 . Five thousand participants will meet on march 5 at Avenida Juan Carlos I Murcia to play an appointment recreational sport that has been consolidated in its eight years of life as an event that promotes gender equality.

With the slogan ‘For me and my companions’, which will shine in the t-shirt, commemorative, on march 5, from ten in the morning, it will be the eighth edition of the Race of the Woman 2023 by the streets of Murcia, with start and finish line on the Avenida Juan Carlos I, in the vicinity of the pavilion of the Prince of Asturias.

The appointment of recreational sports, which will make running and walking, has entered its final stretch, and features over 3,700 registered as one of the 5,000 that are expected on the first Sunday of march.

The plenary hall of the city Hall of Murcia welcomed yesterday the official presentation of a test that has built great anticipation and will run at a distance of five kilometres totally flat. During the ceremony, highlighted the consolidation that has reached a career after eight years and also the role that develops women in society.

The mayor, José Antonio Serrano, Jose Alberto Pardo, director of Opinion, Silvia Muñoz, director of Family and child Protection, the deputy mayor and councilor for Equality, Youth and Development Cooperation, Maria Teresa Franco, the lieutenant-colonel of the Regiment, no. 5 Brigade Parachutist Sewer, José Antonio Martínez Ferrari, and the head of Sport of this journal and executive director of the test, Dioni Garcia, took part in a ceremony with the presence of representatives of all the sponsors, who are City of Murcia, The Autonomous community of the Region of Murcia, El Corte Inglés, Gougo, UNIVERSAE (Caja Rural Central and llaollao; and the co-workers Limcamar, Marnys, ElPozo well-being, Aquadeus, Estrella Levante, Alcampo, Cableworld, Corny-Hero, Mercamurcia, Coca-Cola, More Wheat and Disfrimur. Similarly, there were also several players of the Cuder Rugby Murcia, who will participate as volunteers, together with the group of research UMUsport and the Tafad Samaniego Sewer.

Serrano noted that "the streets of Murcia will fill up of female athletes in a race that serves to claim the starring role they have in our society. The sport and physical activity, due to its potential educational and media, are an engine of social change, contributing for a long time to promote equality between men and women," said the first municipal authority.

José Alberto Pardo, for his part, was proud of the initiative that launched this journal eight years ago, and who helps to make society more equal: "Year after year, the Race of the Woman has been consolidated and has made a name for themselves immovable in the calendar of events against wind, tide, rain, and even in the middle of a pandemic. He was born as a statement of intent, as a defense of the values by which we continue to believe that it is necessary to bet," he said.

The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, was represented by Silvia Muñoz, director of Family and child Protection, who thanked "The View have the ability to convene the eighth edition of the race, because it focuses very well a society that is fighting for true equality between men and women. Catalyzes the local and regional government are present together with companies that are fighting for that
effective equality between men and women," he said, adding that "you still have to get many things, but we are in the good way, and an example is this race."

Maria Teresa Franco, for his part, spoke of the women in the plural because "we are diverse and pluralistic," to add on this event that "it's a race where we all. It is a great pleasure to support all the causes that fight to end the discrimination that we still suffer for being women. This has the reason to be because in this world, regardless of the country of which we speak, women are being discriminated against by virtue of being, not only by the violence of machismo, but by any type of discrimination at work or in sport". Similarly, he explained that the slogan of 'For me and all my classmates' "we chose it because we're going to run together and because we are plural, different and companions. We have the same rights and should have the same opportunities as the other half of humanity".

In addition, this year, a group of military women of the Brigade Parachutist Sewer will run in the race. The margin to be the same as represented in the act by the dama legionaria paratrooper Natalia Menéndez, lieutenant colonel Martinez Ferrari pointed out that "we be in the street, the paratroopers of the u.s. Army and represented by our women that so many of us provide. We are going to participate with officers, non-commissioned officers, and staff of the troop feminine with our flag," she said.

Finally, Dioni García noted that "the bag of the runner, which on this occasion will be a backpack, will arrive this year full of gifts to be delivered at The English Court on Thursday 2, Friday 3 and Saturday 4", and that among the activities planned in the park, the pavilion of the Prince of Asturias, where will be installed the hospitality, there will be a master class zumba by Celia Berenguer Lax and Isabel María Guillén Alcolea to be held before the delivery of prizes, set for twelve in the morning of Sunday the 5th of march.

Economic contribution Grows with Dabadá and Kasafor

In keeping with the collaborative spirit of the race with different groups of the society, on this occasion will be delivered two checks with financial donations to two organizations, Grow with Dabadá, center for early care and children and young people's youth for the treatment of people with ASD, and the Association of Women Kasafor, composed by african who work in the prevention of violence sexist and develops a program of prevention of genital mutilation.

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