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Vocational Education distance learning


What is a Vocational Education and Training?

Intermediate Vocational Training is on the rise and every day the number of job offers that require this educational level increase, which requires training students in the performance of a very specific profession.

To study a technical VET has become, in addition, a discipline to enter other Higher level training cycles, in pursuit of a comprehensive training that will open doors for students to a future with a multitude of guaranteed job opportunities.

UNIVERSAE offers you a full range of degrees with official validity tailored to the needs of the labor market. Become the professional companies demand.

Why study a Middle Degree?

UNIVERSAE offers you agreements with industry-specialized companies to make your inclusion into the labor world quick and successful. Study your TVET at UNIVERSAE and access the most innovative and digitized training on the market. Save time while reinforcing your knowledge in the area of study that best suits you.

Practice is one of the fundamental pillars that will constitute your learning, so it will be crucial to have the best companies in the sector participate in your development as a professional, whatever the area you have chosen may be.

This is the time. Bet on your labor future and get the job you always dreamed of.

High accessibility both academically and financially

Lower economic cost

High specialization in a particular field of study


To complement your VET degree and go to the market with the best guarantees, UNIVERSAE provides you Training in Work Practices (TWP) and more than 20,000 collaboration agreements and arrangements with the most relevant companies and organizations in the industry.

TVET Internships

Access requirements

You'll be able to enter a training cycle of Middle Grade by any of these two means: passing the specific admission test to Middle Grade or direct admission.

To be admitted directly, you must comply with at least one of the following requirements:

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Equivalent to a Compulsory Secondary Education Diploma in Spain

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Equivalent to a Basic Vocational Training Diploma in Spain

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Equivalent to an Initial Professional Qualification Program Diploma in Spain

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Equivalent to an Assistant Technician or higher Diploma in Spain

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What is the duration of an Intermediate Degree?

According to the regulations established by the LOE and the LOGSE, an Intermediate Level Training Cycle has a duration of 2,000 teaching hours, which are distributed over two academic years. Only in the case of the Intermediate Degree in Auxiliary Nursing Care, the duration is 1,400 hours.

Usually, the development of the school year starts in September and ends in June.

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Professional Options

Any Intermediate Degree is mainly focused on providing students with quick access to the labor world.

Once passed all the subjects that make up the educational plan, students will receive a technical or vocational training diploma, with which they will be able to access different jobs depending on the studied modality or area of specialization.

In UNIVERSAE, we promote and facilitate access to several professional opportunities from our extensive network of collaborating companies, highly recognized and leaders in their industries.

VT scholarships and grants

UNIVERSAE has Scholarships for Vocational Training and study grants so that you can study your vocation and access the job market with the best guarantees.

Ilustración becas distributivas

Get information to have the necessary economic flexibility so that enrollment does not put a brake on your training.

Need more information?


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Select your professional area of Intermediate Degree

All Middle Grades
  • All Middle Grades
  • Security and environment
  • Health
  • IT and Communications
  • Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance
  • Education and Humanities
  • Electrónica y Electricidad
  • Robotics
  • Trade and Marketing
  • Management and Business

Emergency and Civil Protection distance learning VET

Security and environment

Obtain the specific skills to develop yourself as a professional trained to intervene in emergencies caused by events or catastrophes originated by different risks.


Health Emergencies distance learning VET


Transfer patients or victims and give the initial medical and psychological care, collaborating with logistics in collective emergencies or catastrophes.


Microcomputer Systems and Networks distance learning VET

IT and Communications

Learn to set up equipment, set up and dismantle computer networks, carry out the wiring of installations or even configure servers.


Pharmacy and Parapharmacy distance learning VET


Learn to assist in the distribution and participate in the production of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products, both in the private and public sectors.


Nurse Care Assistant distance learning VET


With this degree you will learn to give the necessary care to patients and assist healthcare professionals in hospitals, outpatient centers or dental clinics, among others.


Electromechanics of Automotive Vehicles VET in Murcia

Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance

Perform maintenance, assembly of accessories and transformations in mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics and electricity of the automotive sector.


Attention to People in Situation of Dependency distance learning VET

Education and Humanities

Develop your vocation while improving the quality of life of the people who need it most in a sector of high demand in today's society.


Electrical and Automatic Installations distance learning VET


Perform the assembly and maintenance of telecommunication infrastructures in buildings, low-voltage electrical installations, and electrical machines.


Commercial Activities distance learning VET

Trade and Marketing

Learn how to manage commercial establishments, applying established quality and safety standards and respecting current legislation.


Administrative Management VET

Management and Business

Obtain the degree that obtained the first position in the employability ranking last year, becoming the Intermediate Degree with the highest number of hires.

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