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Accreditation of Professional Competences, make your experience count

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Do you want to accredit the professional skills that you have acquired through your work experience or non-formal training channels? Read this post to know more information about the process of Accreditation of Professional Competences. In this way, you'll get the formal recognition of these skills you've acquired in the performance of your daily work.

accreditation of professional skills

Do you know what is the Accreditation of Professional Competences?

The Accreditation of Professional Competences is the process by which a candidate gets an official justification of their professional competences acquired through work experience or non-formal training channels. The procedure has different performances in which it is pursued recognize, assess and accredit these competencies acquired by the means stated:

  • – Work experience: demonstrating experience in performing a job.
  • – Non-formal training channels: through training we do not have a formal accreditation.
For a better understanding of the whole process of Accreditation of Professional Competences, it is necessary to know what the meaning of the concept “professional qualification”what is meant by the integrated set of knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and abilities an individual possesses in the field of work and allows you to properly carry out a profession. Keep in mind that each qualification is organized in units of competence. This certification process makes it possible to certify the competency units belonging to a Vocational Training qualification or a professional Certificate.

Do you want to deepen? I stay and get to know more details about the accreditation of skills!

Who can apply for the Accreditation of Professional Competences?

Often, completing the Accreditation of Professional Competences is an opportunity to demonstrate to the official units of competency titles TVET middle Grades. It is also useful in higher degrees of Professional Training or professional Certificates. Take your experience to enhance your employability and certifícala!

·General requirements

The general conditions of participation for the accreditation of competences are the following:

  • – Possess the nationality Spanish, certificate of resident community, the card of a family member of an EU citizen or hold a residence and work permit in Spain in force.
  • – Have 18 years old at registration, if it is for one or more vocational qualifications level I and 20 years for levels II and III.
  • – Have work experience and/or training related to the professional skills that you want to prove.
  • – Work experience gained in the past 15 years relating to the powers that be wish to prove. You will need 2 years (1.200 minimum number of hours worked) for the competence of level I. you Will need 3 years (2,000 hours minimum hours worked) for skills level II and III.
  • – Training (conducted in the last 10 years), linked with the powers that be want to accredit. Will be 200 hours for qualifications level I and 300 hours for qualifications of level II and III.

With regard to the certification of competences, as you can see, there are three levels level I, level II and level III), according to the degree of responsibility, autonomy and complexity of the knowledge to perform the work activities.

·Procedure permanently active

Please keep in mind these criteria at the time in which you have to request the Accreditation of Professional Competences. If you do, this process is active permanently through the responsible Units and Information for Accreditation of Powers in the Autonomous Communities; in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, where the competent authority is the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Information to the public and in the Portal RECEX, which has the aim of recognizing the professional competences acquired.

Phases of the procedure for the Accreditation of Professional Competences

1. Phase of advice

In this phase, we review the documentation submitted with respect to the professional background and training. He also discusses the professional skills and is part of an advisor to a report guidance in the that values the option of moving to the subsequent phase.

2. Evaluation phase

Of the form exhaustive we review the literature on the history and professional training. Also, if this is the case, you will be asked to justify appropriately the professional skills that have not been credited correctly.

3. Phase of accreditation and registration

If the previous phase is complete favorably, you will get the accreditation valid in the territory of the units of professional competence have been demonstrated.

4. Phase of education

Members that have completed the previous stages of the procedure for the Accreditation of Professional Competences, will receive, for information, a training plan with that they could get an Official certificate of Professional Training or professional Certificate.

If you need to consult some detail, more particular, we encourage you to take a look at the rules regulating the procedure of accreditation of competences. This is the Royal Decree 143/2021, 9 march, amending the Royal Decree 1224/2009of 17 July, recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience.
In this post you have been able to find more information on essential data related to the Accreditation of Professional Competences. This orientation insurance that will be useful to advance in your career, if you already have experience with your daily work.

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