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What is eLearning: the education of the future

Wednesday, 3 de August de 2022

What is eLearning? Read this post to know the key characteristics of this disruptive method of learning and its advantages. In UNIVERSAE our students have access to resources that will extend their knowledge of current form and innovative.

what is eLearning

What is eLearning: the learning process of the future

The advancement of new technologies has led to a situation where the training is designed in a completely different way. This is the basis of the new methods of learning. At present, the transformation of education emplea el entorno online como fundamento clave. Entonces, ¿qué es el eLearning? Consiste en un método de aprendizaje a distancia que utiliza internet como principal herramienta.

Thus, the term eLearning is an anglicized form that refers to virtual learning or e-learning. All in all, both concepts refer to this teaching process that has come to stay. This innovative educational system has evolved to such an extent that he is able to eliminate the barrier of space-time that, at times, the distance of the students to start with their training.

This is the learning process of the future, which increasingly has more demand dadas sus características y sus ventajas. En este post del blog de UNIVERSAE te contamos más para que salgas de dudas y sepas todo sobre qué es el eLearning.

What is eLearning? Essential concepts

As we said, in UNIVERSAE (the term eLearning is part of the jargon common to the educational environment. El eLearning va un paso más allá. Se trata de formación a distancia en la todo sucede en internet. A continuación, para profundizar en qué es el eLearning, se detallan las características más destacadas:

·Aprendizaje: autodirigido y con un docente

In UNIVERSAE (join the two global approaches the eLearning. On the one hand, the students learn to form self-directed at their own pace and independently. On the other hand, they are also the teachers who run content and are responsible for supporting students in the learning process. All of this happens in our educational platform. In this way, power at the same time the autonomy and fostering the flowing conversation with experts.

·Acceso ilimitado

Abordar qué significa el eLearning es sinónimo de acceso ilimitado a los contenidos educativos. Mediante el uso de internet, el alumnado tiene acceso a la plataforma en cualquier momento. Consecuentemente, puede mark your pace and determine your place study according to your needs.

·Recursos digitales personalizados

The eLearning includes information adapted to the online environment and takes advantage of the whole performance. This is placed in the center of the raison d'être of this system of learning. That is to say, the use of all types of devices facilitates the creation of contenido audiovisual interactivo. The primary objective is to provide an experience that causes that knowledge remains in the memory of the students for a long time. For this to be so, it is essential to generate custom actions. In this sense, in UNIVERSAE (we adapt to the characteristics of each student.

¿Por qué conocer qué el eLearning es tan relevante?

Virtual reality and augmented reality, as well as the gamification shape, among other resources, the educational method based on the use of eLearning. This method of learning has numerous advantages driving the understanding of the subjects. Please note the following benefits of eLearning. Take note!

·Flexibilidad y conciliación

Making use of this type of learning you are the one who controls when to enter the platform. In this way, you can reconcile your time with your availability and your personal training. What will you do with all comfort and flexibility. This is one of the pros most powerful of what it means to eLearning.

·Contenidos actualizados y dinámicos

One of the most notorious characteristics is the information up-to-date and interactive. In UNIVERSAE (the content is revised constantly to fit the last one. Imagine that you are in, for example, a qualification as Industrial Automation and Robotics in which the knowledge is growing rapidly. Have an educational curriculum updated is essential.

·Mejor calidad de enseñanza

All our educational offerings, including more than 50 official qualifications to be Medium-Grade and Top Grade in TVET, which is developed by for experts. These teacher with professional experience in their field structure the content and adapt it to elevate the experience of our students. Also, noteworthy is the monitoring of the progress of each student. So, it is easier to become aware of the progress in real time.

·Desarrollo de las destrezas de carácter transversal

Curricular skills such as decision making, collaboration, empathy, or autonomy are in demand in companies. Through eLearning, develop this type of skills that make students to become competent professionals. This will be very useful when you have your first experiences in the workplace. During your period TVET internship you'll be able to proved and proves its importance.

What does eLearning mean at UNIVERSAE?

In UNIVERSAE (produced content from the point of view of the new model of learning-eLearning. Our team of professionals creates exclusive content in such a way that learning is more enjoyable, interactive and clear. We use the ICT resources most modern create visually engaging content. This fact motivates the students to expand their knowledge in a useful way, current and innovative.

Digital learning is more cash que los métodos de enseñanza tradicionales. Conscientes de este gran beneficio, en UNIVERSAE aseguramos un aprendizaje a distancia con base en el eLearning reconocido por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. Si todavía tienes alguna duda sobre qué es el eLearning, nuestro equipo de asesores académicos estará encantado de atenderte.

Incorporates the eLearning to your learning and enrich your future from now. The technological developments and pedagogical join for you to be the protagonist.

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