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Articles on Employability

The section of Employability offers you all kinds of relevant and updated information on the employability of vocational training with various articles on career opportunities, functions, skills, salary ranges, differences between courses and much more. Discover topics that will help guide you towards the world of work and choose the profession for you.


What is CRM?

Las empresas buscan diferenciarse proporcionando experiencias personalizadas a sus clientes. En este artículo te contamos qué es CRM y por qué se ha convertido en un elemento clave. Aprende más sobre los distintos tipos y conoce algunas de las plataformas más populares.

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Personal Shopper: what is it and what is it for?

If you want to be a personal shopper and you do not know much about this profession, in this article, you'll learn what your day-to-day is, what it does and what you need to study to be. Your goal is to make your customers feel more secure, highlighting the best of its appearance. A good look is much more clothes!

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Telecare, what is and what types you have?

Discover in this article what is the telecare, what it is, its benefits and different types. The independence that provides remote control brand the difference in the way you live. Get started on this post! You what we have in the blog UNIVERSAE (.

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What does a community manager?

If you notice everything that surrounds the profession of community manager and do not know much about this profession, we will tell you what features, services, causes and what you need to study to be. I train to be a specialist multi-purpose in the digital environment!

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What are the functions of a workshop manager?

Do you know to say how is the day-to-day of a workshop manager? Read this post to get close to the main features, what skills you need and what the requirements are. This professional profile must have excellent technical skills and coordination. What are you what we have!

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Wedding Planner what you need to study to become one?

If you're interested in studying to become a wedding planner and knowest not that you need it to be so, in this article you what we have. This profession, which is essential to the vocation, is full of emotions and unforgettable moments. It comes in this article and find out!

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Europass CV: How do you Do it?

Do you want to learn how to create your own CV Europass? In this article we guide you step-by-step. To have your own cv up to date on this format, standardised across the European Union, it will help you to access jobs and opportunities to study abroad with ease.

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Difference between pharmacy and parapharmacy

The main difference between pharmacy and non-lies in the products that they offer. In the world of health and well-being both play a crucial role. Get your FP in Pharmacy and Non-pharmaceutical chemist's, and improves the quality of life of people in both environments. Get reading!

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Coolhunting: How to detect trends?

If you want to know more about how to apply coolhunting in business and how you can become a specialist, you are still reading this article. Do you wonder how to capture the trends? Here we share with you the major keys to being a step ahead in your industry.

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Functions of the Product Manager

In an environment in which the needs of the customers are changing, a product manager has a central role in the process of creating new products and services. The functions of this expert are varied and controlled throughout the project life cycle that leads!

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Job opportunities for social integration

To build a society that is more inclusive and tolerant it is essential to the formation. In this article you'll discover the growing job opportunities to which they have access to the students of the Higher Degree of Social Integration in the distance. The outputs of social integration are incredibly varied!

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What is TCAE in nursing?

¿Por qué deberías considerar estudiar TCAE? Completar el Grado Medio en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería ofrece una amplia variedad de salidas y una buena empleabilidad en el sector de la salud. El TCAE en enfermería es una parte indispensable en la atención y el cuidado de los pacientes.

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Difference between dietitian and nutritionist

Do you know what is the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist? Although sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, they are two different professions. Both experts have trajectories training and different approaches. Find out how to get their patients to incorporate new healthy habits.

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What are Industrial Robots?

Industrial robots are a fundamental tool in the production processes of today. These machines are programmable to allow you to increase the efficiency and reduce costs, among other benefits. Learn in this post how to train yourself to work with these tools, they do not stop to evolve!

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What are the Building and Civil Works profesional opportunities

Find out how in the Top Grade in Construction Projects will be made to be part of innovative projects that transform the world. In this post you'll find tips to start your professional career in this sector and learn more about the outputs of construction and civil work.

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Full Stack Programmer: what is a Full Stack Programmer and its functions

In this article we explain what it means to be a programmer to Full Stack. I read it and learn what are their functions and main skills! As an expert in technology, involved in the whole life-cycle of an application, from concept creation to the end of its useful life.

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What is FOL? Training and career Counseling

Find out what is the Training and Guidance of Labour (FOL), and what importance it has for the degrees of Middle Grade and Top Grade. It is a subject cross-which is key to your integration into the labor market. In UNIVERSAE (and boost your employability from your formative stage.

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Most demanded jobs of 2023 | UNIVERSAE

Are you looking for a new job or thinking about a change of professional direction? In this article, we classify areas the jobs most in demand for 2023. The growing use of technology and the digitization of processes has changed the world of work!

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CISO: what is it and what are their functions

Did you know that the role is tasked with the challenge of ensuring the most valuable data in any organization is a cyber security expert? The CISO or Chief Information Security Officer is the custodian of the computer security. In this post you will learn more about their functions and how you can train you.

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Validate TVET to the Degree of Telecommunications

Do you want to continue studying at university after finishing your FP in Telecommunication Systems and Computer? In this article you will learn that the university may recognize part of the credit of this FP. I completed it will open doors to a better ratio of cost-time!

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Fireman TVET: what to study and requirements

Do you want to be a firefighter? In this article, you will discover how you can start your path towards a profession known for its importance in all over the world. It's about a profession exciting and full of responsibilities! In UNIVERSAE you can take your TVET Firefighter and get one step closer to your vocation.

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Ethical Hacking: what it is and how it works

Before the rise of the cyber incident in the whole world, the ethical hacking is becoming more and more common. As the name itself indicates, its purpose is not to cause any kind of a threat, but to focus their activity in preventive actions. Have you ever heard of this concept before? Get reading!

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Administration and Finance Outputs

The Higher Degree in Administration and Finance is one of the most demanded by companies and the Public Administration. With this qualification you will gain knowledge which is very varied and destacarás for your great versatility. I read in this post more on the outputs of the Administration and Finance!

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What is the cyber security

Develop strategies for capturing the attention of consumers is becoming ever more necessary. In this article, you will discover what is a merchandiser, and what is merchandising. This figure professional and the techniques implemented are crucial for a product or service does not go unnoticed!

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What is a merchandiser and types of merchandising

Develop strategies with which to capture the attention of consumers is becoming ever more necessary. In this post, you will learn what is a merchandiser, and what is merchandising. These professionals and the techniques implemented are essential to make a product or service does not go unnoticed!

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Assistant manager: what he does and his functions

An assistant to the director has knowledge in the areas of protocol, organization, finance, marketing and languages, primarily. In this post we highlight what features are essential and which ones are the most important skills to be the ideal candidate.

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International Trade job opportunities

The limits of international economic activity practically does not exist. In this post, we share the outputs of International Trade more prominent and what are the skills that you have that empower you to excel. Your intervention will be very important in the global transaction!

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What to study to become a video game designer

Do you also ever considered what to study to become a video game designer? In this post we tell you in addition to what are the most important qualities, and share some recommendations to enhance your profile.

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Professional Outputs in Transport and Logistics

In this post you will know how varied are the jobs that you can play with the FP of Transport and Logistics. The main goal is to get closer to what will be your future job. Also, we will share with you what skills are essential and common to all jobs.

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DAM or DAW: what to choose?

What to study, how DAM or DAW? This is one of the most frequently asked questions that arise when students want to train to be a programmer. In this post we show you the key features of each of these qualifications. This profession has a high rate of job placement!

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Functions of the early childhood educator

The professions of the future respond to the changing world of work. I anticipate! Referred to in this post the five jobs with more perspectives, you can train yourself in UNIVERSAE (! In this post, we also share what are other aspects that you have to pay attention to highlight.

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Professions of the future: what are they?

The professions of the future respond to the changing needs of the current world of work. I anticipate! Referred to in this post the five jobs with more perspectives, you can train yourself in UNIVERSAE (to stand out in the jobs emerging that attract the most interest!

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Administrative Assistant Functions: discover them

An administrative assistant is key to the correct development of the organizations. In this post, ‘administrative Assistant duties: discover’, condense their core activities. The training for this position it is possible to receive in the Average Degree in Administrative Management!

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Accreditation of Professional Competences, make your experience count

Do you want to accredit the professional skills that you have acquired through your work experience or non-formal training channels? Read this post to know more information about the process of Accreditation of Professional Competences. You will get the recognition of these capabilities!

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Digital skills desired by the companies

In the last few years, each time has become more central to the digitization of businesses. However, with the arrival of the global pandemic of Covid-19, the exposure of companies in the digital environment has increased and more and more digital skills demanded in the job interviews.

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TVET with more oportunities

According to the latest report of the SEPE, job placement of graduates in Vocational Training rises each year. Between the FP with more outputs, we found multiple sectors. UNIVERSAE (it has the largest range of training courses on the market in mid-Grade and Top Grade. Discover your professional future!

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