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Gamification in education: concept and examples

Monday, 21 de March de 2022

The gamification in education is a learning technique that facilitates the internalization of knowledge of a more fun and creates a positive experience in the student. Below, we tell you why it is important to your application, and some examples of gamification technology that only gives you UNIVERSAE.

Gamification in education

Muchos estudios demuestran que, ya sea en el ámbito educativo o en otro entorno, existe un comportamiento distinto frente a una tarea interactiva y visualmente amigable u otra más banal y plana. También se traslada a los resultados, pues existen evidencias en cuanto a la productividad y al resultado conseguido en la primera opción. Cuando aplicamos la gamificación en la educación se consigue justo este último objetivo. Pero, ¿qué significa?

The gamification in education enables the student to learn through play.

What is gamification in education?

The gamification in education it is a learning technique that takes the mechanics of the games in the educational field, in order to get the best results. Applies to absorb faster knowledge, improve a skill or reward specific actions, among many other objectives.
This type of learning is gaining ground among the methodologies of training thanks to their playful nature, as facilitates the internalization of knowledge of a more fun and creates a positive experience in the student. This model of game really gets good results because it awakens the interest and attention.
In the gamification of education will use a number of mechanical techniques and dynamic extrapolated from the games:

·Mechanical techniques:

The mechanical techniques they are a way of reward the user in function of the objectives achieved. The most commonly used are: accumulation of points, scaling levels, obtaining prizes, leaderboards, challenges, and missions or challenges.

·Dynamic techniques:

The dynamic techniques refer to the motivation of the user to play and to move forward in the achievement of their objectives reward, status, achievement, and competition).

Why is it important to the gamification in education?

Thanks to their incentives, activates the motivation and commitment to learning and encourages the spirit of improvement in the students. Among the advantages that it offers the gamification in education, are to be found:

  • – Learning through the práctica.
  • – Acquisition and retention of knowledge.
  • Constancy and loyalty of the student.
  • Experience in the learning.
  • – Increase of the motivation.
  • Involvement by the activity.
  • – Rise of the atención y concentración.
  • –  Interest in the learning.
  • – Achievement of good results.
  • – Recognition and feedback immediate.
  • – Improvement of the performance académico
  • – Use logic and strategy to the troubleshooting.

Examples of gamification in the classroom

UNIVERSAE goes a step further, thanks to the own development of an educational ecosystem virtual in which the student has available educational resources, unprecedented, based on the most current technology on the market. This educational ecosystem receives the name of UNIVERSAE360 e integra tecnología inmersiva, actividades gamificadas y simulaciones 3D, entre otros. Algunos examples of gamification the student is UNIVERSAE360 they are:

  • Simulator 3D: focused learning through practice. Work situations with virtual reality environments and augmented reality.
  • Entorno360: orientado a una experiencia inmersiva en el entorno laboral.
  • Profesor180: profesores en vídeo con realidad aumentada y 3D para facilitar la explicación y comprensión de materias.
  • Test de autoevaluación: permite una corrección automática. Además, el alumno puede repetir los test tantas veces como quiera hasta obtener su nota deseada.
  • Contador de notas en tiempo real: dirigido al reconocimiento y la retroalimentación inmediata del alumno
  • Insignias: recompensas que el alumno/a obtiene al alcanzar sus objetivos académicos.
UNIVERSAE bet for the evolution of the teaching based on the edtech: the perfect fusion of innovation in education quality and technology in the field of education.

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