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Hardware and Software: definition, functions, and examples

Thursday, 6 de July de 2023

When we use our digital devices, it is very easy to overlook the complexity and sophistication of its operation. In the center of its use include the hardware and software! In this article we'll cover these elements, physical and intangible, that give life to the technology, so integrated into our day-to-day. We will talk about the definition, differences existing between them and we will share illustrative examples. In this way, you will understand much better how to perform the processes. Get reading!

hardware and software

What is a hardware?

When we talk about the hardware, we refer to the physical part tangible and digital devices. This is the support palpable, that allows programs to be running and to be displayed, among many other features. It is the skeleton on which it is built all the technology ecosystem!

It is made up of a variety of components, ranging from integrated circuits, microprocessors, up to the display, the keyboard, or storage units. Over the years, the hardware has evolved in such a way that they have become more powerful, compact and efficient. The advances have led us to have access to devices faster and with greater capacity, which is reflected in its performance.

Keep in mind to choose components that are compatible with each other, it helps that the hardware and software to execute to perfection the instructions in an efficient way. Each one of the elements have a crucial role in the integrated functions of the system. The hardware is the base, provides the structure and support needed to make use of the technology.

What is a software?

The software is the part of the intangible of the technology. It is composed by lines of code and algorithms that provide indications of the hardware components. In the context of computer science, therefore, this term refers to the programs, applications and data that run. According to its functionality, highlights the software de sistema y el software de aplicación. The first is essential to the basic operations of the hardware and the management of resources. The second type is essential to the performance of specific tasks. The software is created by using the programming using languages such as Java or Python, among many others. In addition, it may be comercial o de código abierto. Both have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the needs of use.

As with the hardware, the software is constantly evolving. The developers are working on improvements, corrections and incorporate new features, which are aligned with the technological advances. In recent years it has experienced a exponential growth. En este aumento del interés tiene mucho que ver el uso diario de las aplicaciones móviles y de servicios en la nube, principalmente. ¡Mantener el software actualizado garantiza la seguridad! Podríamos decir que es la parte inteligente de los dispositivos. Tiene un cometido fundamental en nuestra vida cotidiana, ¡nos permite comunicarnos, trabajar y divertirnos!

Differences between hardware and software

Together, hardware and software, are indispensable elements in the electronic devices that we hold in our hands. Exhibit features that make them unique, take note of the biggest differences between them!

  • – Naturaleza física frente naturaleza intangible. El hardware es tangible y tiene una existencia física, así proporciona una estructura y los medios operacionales necesarios. Mientras tanto, el software no se puede rozar con los dedos, ya que está compuesto por programas y datos, y se enfoca en la parte lógica y funcional. ¡Esta es la principal diferencia entre ambos elementos!
  • – Costos y accesibilidad. Los componentes de hardware de los dispositivos electrónicos tienden a ser más costosos. La necesidad de materias primas, del desarrollo de procesos de fabricación y distribución encarecen los costes. En general, el software suele ser más asequible, puede descargarse, y se encuentra más ampliamente disponible.
  • – Vida útil y obsolescencia. El hardware, habitualmente, puede ser usado durante años antes de necesitar un cambio o una actualización. El software tiende a actualizarse con mayor frecuencia. ¡Esta es otra de las diferencias entre hardware y software!
  • – Interacción y adaptabilidad. On the one hand, the hardware is designed for a specific purpose and has physical limitations of customization and configuration. On the other hand, users can choose between a wide variety of software to meet your particular preferences through a graphical interface.

In short, as we can observe, we find that the hardware and the software depend on one another in order to work properly. The hardware needs software to get instructions; similarly, the software needs the hardware to become activated, put in place and use their resources.

Examples of hardware and software

In the technological world of today, the hardware and software are two fundamental concepts that drive innovation and give life to our digital devices. These examples will help you to understand better the distinction between the two and identify them.

In the scope of the hardware, la CPU or Central Unit is one of the main components of the computer system and is responsible for executing the instructions. Is inserted in the desktop computer, which also includes the screen, the keyboard, the mouse and other peripherals. In the hardware also highlights the motherboardthe main circuit that connects the components; RAMused by the system to store data and programs; as well as the graphics cardresponsible for processing and displaying images, videos, etc

El sistema operativo it is the most important software, which controls all the resources of the hardware of a device. The productivity applications son herramientas esenciales para crear y darle forma a documentos. Igualmente, los navegadores permiten acceder a páginas web. Video games, programs video editing or diseño gráfico, reproductores multimedia, aplicaciones de comunicación, sistemas de bases de datos… These are just a few prominent examples in terms of software. The options are endless!

Training in the world of software and hardware

In the field of technology is essential to find a specialized training. In the Administration of Computer Network Systems Certificate of Higher Education distance learning you will learn how to manage and maintain computer networks and manage servers, among others. The Microcomputer Systems and Networks distance learning VET provides you with the opportunity to master the bracket, the installation and maintenance of equipment, as well as the configuration of networks. In the Telecommunications and Computer Systems Certificate of Higher Education distance learning you will gain knowledge on the management of internet services and telecommunications, and much more. Get ready to be part of a sector in constant evolution!

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