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What are Industrial Robots?

Monday, 24 de April de 2023

Industrial robots are a fundamental tool in the production processes of today. These machines are programmable to allow you to increase the efficiency and reduce costs, among other key benefits. I read this article and discover how to train yourself to work with these tools you don't stop to evolve and play an increasingly more important role!

industrial robots

What is an industrial robot and how does it work?

Industrial robots are one of the biggest technological advancements that allow you to increase the efficiency in almost all the productive sectors. They have a great potential and they are essential in the automation of processes. In this article, you'll learn more about how they are revolutionizing the industry, and what advantages they bring, and how to train yourself to work with robots and other automated systems. Get reading!

What are, then, the industrial robots? Are machines programmable that are revolutionizing the technology. They are used in a wide variety of industries and are designed to perform specific tasks of production and manufacturing. They are able to perform jobs that previously could only be executed by people. Most of them are composed of a robotic arm, and a series of sensors that interact with the environment. Moreover, they are equipped with artificial vision systems to recognize objects.

Why industrial robots are key in the processes of manufacturing?

The industrial robots have many advantages. These machines offer many benefits for the companies that implement it in their production systems. I then share some of the reasons why the robots have become an active elementary!

  • – Aumentan la productividad. To be able to work doing repetitive tasks without the need for breaks throughout the day, this translates into greater profitability.
  • – Reducen los costes de producción. A pesar de que la inversión inicial en este tipo de recursos suele ser alta, el aumento de la eficiencia y precisión resulta directamente en una disminución del costo.
  • – Incrementan la calidad del producto. Automation leads to the adaptation to the changes of the different sectors and to the execution of tasks in a more competitive, reducing the number of errors.
  • – Mejoran la seguridad en el trabajo. Robots can perform tasks that are either dangerous or that require great physical effort. This decreases the risks of working in environments that may affect the health of the people.

·The importance of the specific training

The professional area of Electricity and Electronics TVET it is the best option for those interested in this exciting field. In particular, the Higher degree in Industrial Robotics se centra en la adquisición y desarrollo de habilidades técnicas y creativas. ¡Podrás adaptarte a los últimos avances y ser un profesional muy valorado en el mercado laboral! Durante tu formación en esta titulación oficial aprenderás sobre los fundamentos en sistemas, integración o informática industrial. Además, para convertirte en un técnico experto utilizarás herramientas de software especializados. De este modo, you'll design and you'll simulate robotic systems prior to implementing the change.

How are programmed industrial robots?

The programming of an industrial robot involves a series of steps that must be taken into account carefully. In this way, the industrial robot will be able to perform the task efficiently and accurately.

It is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the components of the machine and its operation. Through the identification of various reference points, is defined as what task to perform. Then, it is required to design a plan programming comprehensive. In it are included the limits and restrictions that ensure the safety of the robot itself and the staff. To this end, it has to create a program in a specific language for robots, which enter, and is responsible for controlling the “brain” of the system. Prior to its implementation in the real robot is necessary in the simulation in a virtual environment. When it has been verified that the program works properly, it is important that operators monitor the use of the robot. The review and re-evaluation of the program settings are needed to optimize the efficiency and accuracy.

We also have to take in mind that the robots can adapt to different tasks and production processes. This can be reprogrammed to perform different tasks and adapt well to changes and new demands. The programming of industrial robots, as can be seen, attends to complex protocols. The planning, validation and verification of constant it is essential to ensure a safe operation.

·Know the most common types

There are multiple types of robots, with features and specific applications. ¡Select the most suitable for each task is a challenge! It is a fact that it is expected that the industrial robots continue to evolve and continue to play an increasingly important role. Take note of the ones that are used most often:

  • – Robot de soldadura
  • – Robot de ensamblaje
  • – Robot móvil
  • – Robot modular
  • – Robot de inspección
Los robots industriales han estado en constante evolución desde su invención, hace más de 60 años. Ten en cuenta que aunque tienen cierta independencia, necesitan ser programados y controlados por humanos. En la actualidad, encontramos factores impulsarán su desarrollo. Algunos de ellos son la inteligencia artificial o el aprendizaje automático. Además, se espera que sean más personalizables aún, lo que proporciona un alto nivel de adaptabilidad. The industry 4.0 is driving its expansion!

Industrial automation advances by leaps and bounds

The technology related to the industrial robots is transforming the way people produce. These machines programmable offer a variety of benefits to businesses: from the increase in productivity to improving workplace safety. These robots are a major force that has revolutionized the way in which it carries out the production in the industry. Despite the fact that it can be intimidating due to its size and speed of execution, it is based on principles of physics, mechanics and electronics. They have become a key tool in which the training is decisive!

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