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What is it and what is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Discover in this article the progressive web app, what they are, what purpose they serve and how they can help. Known in addition to the salient advantages of their use and examples of companies that are already implementing this technology. This is one of the latest trends in digital, that has come to stay and revolutionize the way you surf the internet.

progressive web app

What is Progressive Web App?

The progressive web apps, also known by its acronym as PWAwe could say that they are the natural evolution of the traditional web. Incorporating the latest technological innovations to make a fluent use, taking advantage of the maximum capacity of the device in the device that you use. A progressive web app provides a personalized service and optimized to the users! Blends the best of the web pages and mobile applications. In this way, you have in your hands the agility of navigation of a native app and the ease of finding a web page. So, the aim is to remove the barriers that separate native applications and web sites. Combine the best of each, and it is for this reason that the users enjoy a new experience much more efficient.

Among the most striking features, highlights its user-centric approachthat is one of the most distinctive features of the PWA. This is reflected by providing a way to interact only. ¡In addition, to use it is not necessary to install anything from the app store! The progressive web app are fast, have animations attractive and suit you. Have the ability to work offlinewhile being able to access and navigate without the need for constant connection to the internet. This is thanks to the technology of caching, and the ability to store data in the user's device. Also, keep always up to date in the background, and, therefore, you will always be up to date of all the news. I keep reading in order to enter deep into the world of progressive web apps!

How are the PWA?

The progressive web apps based on modern technologies and open standards. Mainly, these are the three solid pillars on which state:

  • Thanks to the Service Worker they can answer without an internet connection and updated automatically. These scripts act as intermediaries between the application and the server. So, content is uploaded quickly in all circumstances.
  • – The Web App Manifest it is essential for the activity of the PWA. It is a file that specifies how you should behave when it is included in the device of the users, allowing them to specific functions, as may be the trigger notifications, and access to the local storage.
  • – When delivered to the users through the protocol HTTPS, it has all the information encrypted. This is imperative to foster the trust of users and protect the possible sensitive information.
Building interactive interfaces and attractive is a challenge! When you are using the progressive web apps, in the first place, it loads the version most basic and essential of the application, regardless of the connectivity. According to the user interacts and more resources are available, it will enrich the experience, which improves their overall functionality. For all these reasons, the PWA are one of the emerging technologies for more rapid deployment in the last few years!

Advantages of PWA

The PWA are a smart solution to carry the digital presence of any company to the next level. Below, we highlight some of the advantages of the most transformative:

  • – Interaction and time spent. The offer push notifications, users can receive relevant updates, thus increasing their participation. Its fast loading time promotes a lower dropout rate, which encourages greater exploration of the content.
  • – Indexing in search engines. The PWA offer tools for the analysis and monitoring. In this sense, to be highly indexable, improve their positioning in the search results, which is reflected in an increase of the visibility and traffic to the site.
  • – Implementation and integration in social networks. Create a PWA is more simple if we compare it with the development of native applications for different platforms. This allows you to launch your project in less time! Please note that, to be easily integrated into social networks, this works with the sharing of content directly, which helps in the reach and virality.
  • – Storage space and data usage. Users don't have to be worried about the size, as the PWA are designed to be light in weight. Also, they are constructed in such a way that reduces the use of the data during the navigation.
  • Adaptability and sustainability. The development of a progressive web app does not require you to be different depending on the platforms. This makes it easily implementable! Also, as we said, to be more efficient and light, contribute to reducing the environmental burden associated with its use.

PWA examples

The footprint of the progressive web apps in the digital world is increasingly broad. Large companies, such as Uber, Trivago, Forbes, Spotify and Starbucks, among others, are already using this technology and are presented as cases of success. The PWA stand out precisely because of its functionality and utility. Its effectiveness takes place in various sectors. These are some of the implementations most popular:

  • – E-commerce
  • – Platform news
  • – Task managers
  • – Translation tools
  • – Image galleries
In our Institute of Higher VET, we offer a wide variety of educational programs officers in the area of technology, including specific options such as the Average Degree in Systems Microinformáticos and Networks, the Degree in Web Application Development and the Double diploma in Development of cross-Platform Applications and Web Application Development. Our degrees are designed to provide students with an educational experience complete and focused on the practice. Very soon you will be one of the professionals that believe the following APW that mark a trend!

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