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Study techniques to increase the efficiency

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Follow some of the study techniques outlined in this post will help you to improve your learning process and better retain the knowledge acquired. All students are hosting a method of study, either consciously or by own experience or routine. Please take note and you'll see results!

Methods of study to increase the efficiency

Study techniques to improve your learning: what are the best?

When we face at the time of study, it is common that arise fears and think that we don't have the total control to enhance our learning. To avoid that feeling, there are techniques of study that will help us greatly to process the information efficiently and to better understand the content of the subjects.

If the integrated into your routine, you get to automate as much as possible the process of studying. I take the opportunity to test it, take your time! Identifies in this post which ones are best for you.

·1. Pomodoro technique to manage your breaks

With this method of study you will be able to manage the time you spend on each task, you control the distractions and increase productivity. With the Pomodoro technique you will be able to concentrate and will help you not to wander. To put it into practice, you will need to use a timer with which to divide the work in blocks of time 25 minutes, which receive the name “pomodoro”. Between the “pomodoro” and “pomodoro” you'll be able to take a rest 5 minutes with which to regain strength. When you have completed four “pomodoros”, the rest will be wider. Thus, you will disconnect from these tasks for 20-30 minutes. The dynamics that you should take in this technique of study is the following, you can develop with your own stopwatch or download an application that will help you:

  1. Determines which are priority tasks. Make a list!
  2. Mark a “pomodoro” in your timer. I will be 25 minutes of total concentration!
  3. Rest 5 minutes. It aerates the mind!
  4. Mark progressions in the tasks.
  5. Each 4 “pomodoros” have a break of 20-30 minutes.

·2. Schemes and flashcards: methods to assimilate content

These two methods of study they put the spotlight on the creation of relationships between concepts, and topics. On the one hand, the diagrams serve to graphically represent hierarchies between words with connectors linear. You can use items such as arrows, keys, numbers, and letters, among others, with the purpose of organizing all the content. It is essential to categorize previously heading the right way.
On the other hand, the use of flashcards or study cards it is a technique that consists in synthesizing the content in a series of cards. This method of self-assessment is based on scoring details in both sides, the options are diverse. For example, on the front side you can type in a term and on the back its definition; also, you can ask a question on one side and the other to include your response.
These two techniques of study can be developed in the traditional paper format and also in digital. You can create your own schemes and flashcards with your style, but if you want to simulate these tools quickly we recommend that you review applications you can speed up your work.

·3. Use rules mnemonic and don't forget anything

This system of study tools help you memorize a large set of data. In this method of study is key repeat, without leaving aside the understanding of the subject matter of the course. This is a mnemonic is the essential add-on to be able to remember without relative effort specific details. Below, we share the three most commonly used so that you can change them to suit your requirements:

Technique of the initial

Build a word with the initial concepts.

Technique of the story

Give way to a brief history with key words that you have to memorize.

Technique of rhyme

Do the exercise of creating rhymes with related terms, so sonic must associate complex concepts.

Produces a listing with all the rules mnemonic that you've created, according to the different sections of the themes.

Eat them too close to the paragraphs of content to associate the concepts visually. Keep in mind the importance of the practice, the more diverse partnerships you develop, your technique will be much greater efficiency.

4. Recording of your own voice to remember better

Have you ever tried to recite a topic aloud and record it? This technique of study helps to retain the content thanks to the auditory memory. Use your smartphone to record the agenda, we recommend you do so by short blocks. Try not to fall into the monotony and give vividness to the intonation, you can gesticulate while you record, or to imagine that you're being the teacher explained in class.
In addition, this method of study is a form of ensure that you understand the readings of the contents. Listen to our own voice is essential for secure the concepts that you've previously worked with. With the recordings, you can take advantage of the time and listen to the topics of the subjects in such times as may be commuting from home to work or to the educational center.

5. The calendar as a tool to dominate your time

To overcome satisfactorily the courses of training, it requires a certain capacity organization of work. Each course can contain a variety of projects, deliverables, practices, establish contact with teachers and other students... The list of tasks can be wide, and it is extremely helpful to have a calendar on you target all. 
This study aims to make you master your time, distributing the function of the planned activities. To make your calendar you have to take into account the real time that you have for each of the tasks, and also your corresponding difficulty. You point it all in lists to not forget anything, it is very satisfying to see how they are filling! You can organize your schedule with a calendar virtual or a physical one. Choose the method with which you feel more comfortable.
In this sense, this method is essential for the students of Higher Degrees who want to have access to the university. With the use of calendars will create the habit of reflecting all the activities you perform and coordinate with agility with different groups of people.

Remember that the techniques of study are part of a process that will be refined with the time and is in continuous evolution. It is essential to keep the motivation level high and to have confidence, so as not to lose sight of the goals that you pursue to pursue a degree. Also, please bear in mind that consistency is the key that opens the door to the understanding of the subject matter and to succeed in the examination.

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