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Fireman TVET: what to study and requirements

Wednesday, 14 de December de 2022

Do you want to be a firefighter? In this article, you will discover how you can start your path towards a profession known for its importance in all over the world. Know more also about what are the main functions that you will develop and where you'll be able to exercise it. It's about a profession exciting and full of responsibilities! The hand of teachers with extensive experience in this field, in UNIVERSAE you can take your TVET Firefighter and get one step closer to your vocation.

Firefighter TVET

TVET Firefighter: learn everything about an exciting job

It is undisputed the essential service provided by the fire department in emergency situations. These professional multi-purpose work in multiple contexts, their responsibilities extend far beyond the fire. In this article we tell you more about the fireman TVET, the official title that will help you become a professional imperative. In UNIVERSAE (you can develop your vocation of service to the people, property and natural resources at risk.

Do you want to be a firefighter? Your intervention will be key to the well-being of the society. In the exercise of your role antepondrás interests for the benefit of the community to your personal interests. It is for this reason that the prestige and the valuation of this job are so high.

·He is studying the Intermediate Degree in Emergencies and Civil Protection. Specialize!

The knowledge necessary for access to the profession of a firefighter puedes adquirirlos cursando el Grado Medio en Emergencias y Protección Civil. Como profesional titulado podrás intervenir operativamente en emergencias provocadas por sucesos o catástrofes originadas por riesgos diversos, tanto en entorno rural y forestal como urbano, realizando las actividades de control, extinción de agentes causantes por sucesos. Mediante esta formación oficial estarás además preparado para el rescate, salvamento y atención a personas afectadas en sucesos.

If you are looking for a TVET Firefighter, this Middle Grade includes in its educational program everything you need to know to maintain the security and protection of the people. This degree, which belongs to the area of Safety and Environment TVETit will be of special utility to react in situations of danger and emergency. Do you feel that urge to protect others? In your daily activity as a firefighter will risk your life for other people. This implies the total respect and awe of the whole society!

Get ready for all kinds of challenges with your Firefighter TVET

What is there to do to be a firefighter? To answer this question it is well to know the two types of fire are most popular in general terms. We'll have more details on both! Finish your Firefighter TVET will be very important to develop yourself as a professional. You will contribute to differential value against other candidates!

·Firefighter officer professional

To access the professional body of firefighters belonging to public administrations, it is important to remember that it is necessary to overcome opposition. So, there is a wide range of entitlements to which the TVET Firefighter will help you in the preparation of the agendas. Among them stand out the fire, municipal, belonging to the Autonomous Communities, the forest and the military. Each call includes requirements are different, which is why we recommend you to check with a lot of detail. Regulated by their respective institutions, the calls consist of several phases. You'll have to prepare physically, mentally and intellectually to this challenge!

·A firefighter in companies

Cursando tu FP Bombero podrás formar parte de brigadas privadas. Trabajar en el ámbito industrial, complejos e instalaciones empresariales cada vez cuenta con una mayor demanda. La profesionalización de los bomberos de empresa es clave para maintain any situation under control. Making use of the technical means necessary, they also carry out routine maintenance activities, as well as outreach workers, in the framework of the industrial plans of self-protection.

The major responsibilities that you will face as a firefighter

We set out in the previous lines that firefighters develop their activity beyond the fire. In this way, the prevention and extinguishing of fires are two of its main functions, coupled with the protection and rescue, as well as to a first medical care. Also, they participate in rescues aquatic emergencies with dangerous goods and the search for victims in disasters, among others.

Firefighters have to be prepared physically to cope with a multitude of situations. The good physical condition of these professionals is crucial to increase the efficiency at each performance in which to take part.

·Train in your Firefighter TVET. Do it in UNIVERSAE!

Entonces, ¿qué hay que estudiar para ser bombero? Este profesional ha de estar en continua formación para conocer todos las estrategias y medios técnicos actualizados. De esta forma, protegen la vida de las personas y sus propiedades. El way to become a firefighter can begin pursuing your official title of Technician in Emergency and Civil Protection. In UNIVERSAE (you'll have to overcome subjects such as the following:

  • – Operative intervention in firefighting urban
  • – Operative intervention in the activities of the salvage and rescue
  • – Health care initial emergency situations
  • – Surveillance and intervention operational forest fire
  • – Coordination of equipment and units for emergencies
  • – Psychological support in emergency situations

El plan de estudios de esta FP Bombero está conducido por teachers are experts in the fieldthat will make your training is based on real-life cases. Also, you'll have access to our method of learning is disruptive and unique, with the acquisition of knowledge is aimed at the full development of your skills and professional skills. What are you waiting on UNIVERSAE (!

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