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Discover the TVET in Health of the Future

Wednesday, 23 de November de 2022

Have you ever thought in to dedicate yourself professionally to the world of health care? We are opening extraordinary call for registration! You can specialize and reserve your place. They are very limited! Complete your Health TVET from a distance with the method most innovative, learning to develop yourself personally and occupationally in an area that is essential for the life of the people. It pays attention to this post and discover the TVET in the Health of the future in UNIVERSAE!

Discover the TVET in Health of the Future

We extend our educational offer of the TVET in Health. Reserve your place now!

If you ever considered working in the world of health care, you can now begin to train you in UNIVERSAE (. ¡We extend our training offer! Do you want to dedicate yourself professionally to a field in which you will be in charge of promote the well-being of the people?

The qualifications in the area of Health have traditionally been presented as an option with broad prospects. That fact continues to perpetuándose. Today demand health professionals all over the world expand. The search of qualified personnel, not to increase year after year! Stay on the blog and discover the TVET in the Health of the Future in UNIVERSAE (. I'll tell you everything in this article!

Extraordinary enrollment call open! Develop professionally in the healthcare field

Do not miss this extraordinary call of tuition. Now is the time develop your potential in the field of health. IUNIVERSAE is the place in which you can register! In our Higher Institute of TVET you get your official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Spanish. Please note that this accreditation will make your job opportunities increase in health-care institutions.

You can already book your place in this extraordinary call, which includes three new Degrees in the area of TVET in Health.

  • – Mid-grade Care Nursing Assistants. Oh, you will contribute in feeding, care and grooming of the people who require it for your health!
  • – Higher degree in Oral Hygiene. It will help improve the smiles of many patients!
  • Grado Superior en Imagen para el Diagnóstico y Medicina Nuclear. You will participate in the performance of diagnostic tests such as x-rays, mris, ct scans... and much more!

¡Toma nota! Especialízate y cursa tu FP Salud a distancia.
  • – From 80 €/month*
  • Becas de hasta 2.000 €*
  • – Only 30 seats by titration. It is assigned by order of request!

·Devote yourself to your vocation, you will learn with an innovative approach!

What is clear to you, how you choose to train you as Nursing assistant? ¿Te estás planteando especializarte como técnico en Higiene Bucodental o en Imagen para el Diagnóstico y Medicina Nuclear? Como puedes observar, el sector sanitario es muy amplio. Elegir una titulación oficial u otra depende de tus preferencias profesionales y personales.

In UNIVERSAE you will be in constant contact with expert teachers in their branches on their health. The hand of them, and with a focus mainly practicalyou will become a professional who, among others, shall carry out its work in health centers, clinics and hospitals.

You'll have access to a method unique and innovative assessment flexible! In addition, to train you in distance modality also, you can customize your time to your day-to-day. Similarly, you will live a professional experience during your internship period in the academy block Training in Work Centers. Tan pronto como completes tu titulación, contarás con todas las herramientas para ejercer como técnico. ¡En UNIVERSAE, trabajamos por tu competitividad y experiencia!

Reasons to specialize pursuing your TVET in Health

Ayudar a las personas será el centro de tu actividad tras finalizar tu FP en Salud. Trabajar muy cerca de los pacientes precisa de multiple skills. It is key that you are a person empathetic, committed, attentive to details and with a great ability to work in a team.

The health-care sector requires professionals well-trained, able to meet every day to different patients, each one with their specific needs. Your work it will develop differently each day, which assumes a motivational aspect, away from monotony.

You will have the possibility to become an expert in a professional area in continuous change. You will meet in person all the technical advances of the sanitary branch in which you especialices. The health sector has to be at the forefront of new technologies to provide solutions that are advancing at great speed thanks to the scientific research.

Your job role in the society will support crucial to the improvement of the health of your patients. You will be part of a collective formed to contribute to the quality of life of those who need it most. Take care of the other is an essential profession. Let your work be marked positive difference in the lives of people!

Discover the TVET in Health of the future at UNIVERSAE. We advise you to be an indispensable professional!

Accessed since the world health learning new things in UNIVERSAE. Remember that there are only 30 spaces available per grade. Reserve yours! If you still have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our academic advisors. Our team will address any issues that you have been able to arise to progress in your process by which you become a professional indispensable in the area of Health.

Puedes solicitar más información en el formulario de contacto de nuestra web, vía WhatsApp or in our social media profiles. No dejes escapar esta convocatoria extraordinaria de matrícula en FP Salud. ¡Descubre la FP en Salud del futuro!

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