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Virtual reality as applied to education

Wednesday, 15 de June de 2022

Have you tried virtual reality before? This technology is being strengthened for impact on our lives, in all the senses. Virtual reality as applied to education is, without doubt, influencing positively the way in which we understand the learning more traditional. In UNIVERSAE incorporate virtual reality in our educational model is disruptive.

Virtual reality as applied to education

Virtual reality as applied to education. It enhances the effectiveness of learning!

Interactuar con otra realidad es posible y ya no se limita solamente al ocio. La realidad virtual aplicada a la educación es un hecho tangible que it takes learning to the next level. With virtual reality we can live extraordinary experiences without moving from our seats. It may seem like fiction, but it is a fact. We are facing one of the major technology shifts, that has come to revolutionize all areas and leads you been in development since the mid-50's.
  Como sabrás, se habla mucho sobre lo que es la realidad virtual y cómo está impactando en nuestras vidas. En este post te contamos en qué consiste la realidad virtual aplicada a la educación, los beneficios que supone su uso con fines de aprendizaje y cómo podrás disfrutar de este avance tecnológico en UNIVERSAE. I read all about it! 

·What is virtual reality?

We understand by virtual reality representation of scenes fictitious or simulated created by a computer system. This sensory immersion in a new environment, which can be based on real places or not, it looks totally real that enables us to take a dive in any situation imaginable. To go into this experience it is necessary the use of special devices, such as goggles or helmets, through which we can participate actively in this new virtual environment.

La realidad virtual aplicada a la educación facilita la transmisión de conocimiento y ayuda a que la learning curve faster and endure over time. To have this teaching tool is a stimulus for the senses. Likewise, it is necessary to train teachers to include these resources in their day-to-day and suit the level of your blocks and get to get the best out of their students.

What are the advantages of virtual reality as applied to education?

The benefits of virtual reality as applied to education are numerous. To know more about what is virtual reality will provide a look more open what that can mean for your learning. We show you its most striking features:

·Simplification of abstract concepts and complex

Through this technology is intuitive in its use, it is easier for the brain assimilation of abstract concepts and complex.

·Live in first person

You're living, what you see through your eyes, makes him feel very close to. You are the the protagonist of this scenario by which you move. This is one of the main advantages of virtual reality as applied to education.

·Development of empathy

The use of virtual reality aims to promote greater empathy between people and power a greater degree of self-consciousness.

·Performance of different roles

In these scenarios, interactive digital drives the critical thinking when being faced with varied points of view. This fact generates a debate individual interior very valuable, that influences the development of the society as a whole.

·Potentiation of your autonomy

To move forward in what is virtual reality, it is also important to note this feature. In short, consists in stimulating gradually the commitment and self-study of the students. Helps to manage challenges autonomously, resulting in an essential skill in any situation.

·Safe environment

Through the re-creation of any scenario, students will be able to interact without risks avoiding injury or accidents.

What you just read and more types of digital assets that appear in the future are part of the now and are available with the UNIVERSAE Method. It is a matter of very little time, you can boost your learning by visual interactive. In the same way, it's also relevant to note that there is no set aside in its entirety the real activity during the training. In all of our degrees, you'll have the subject of Training in Work Centers FCT) para que puedas demostrar todo lo aprendido bajo la supervisión tutorizada. La realidad virtual aplicada a la educación es una herramienta futurista del presente con la que te prepararás para hacer frente al dinámico e inesperado mundo real.

Incorporate now virtual reality in your education!

As you can deduce, the virtual reality has solid foundations on which rests: the realism, engagement and interactivity. Aware of them, in UNIVERSAE we use virtual reality, with the main aim to realize a dive fully into your learning. Our educational method virtual account with unique content. We offer, as well, that students can enjoy scenarios of virtual reality exclusive in all the degrees.

In short, the EdTech in the Vocational Training it is an asset that drives the employability of the students. Include the virtual reality training provides a distinctive factor in better decision making and solve real-life problems. These are necessary skills in all areas of life.

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