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Studying an european TVET in Latin america

Wednesday, 7 de September de 2022

In UNIVERSAE (our model of experiential learning at a distance has the focus on students who reside in all over the world. If you want to study an european TVET in Latin america, in UNIVERSAE (it is possible! We dedicated this post especially to prospective students of Latin America. We tell you the main benefits of getting your degree recognized by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Spanish. I being a student of UNIVERSAE (it is your best choice!

FP European in Latin america

Study your european TVET in Latin america. Do it in UNIVERSAE!

In UNIVERSAE (our model of experiential learning at a distance has the focus on students who reside in all over the world. For this reason, we maintain our commitment to a quality education, innovative, oriented to the needs of the labour market and, especially, with the purpose of following opening borders.

In particular, we devote this post to the future students of Latin America, where we have several campuses in Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador. ¡Si quieres cursar una FP europea en Latinoamérica, en UNIVERSAE es posible! To obtain your official title, so you'll only have to go once to one of our campuses to be able to make your final examination. Below, we will tell you everything.

To form part of the educational community of UNIVERSAE you need not change your country of residenceyou can learn from, where you want! In UNIVERSAE (we have a large percentage of international studentsbecause they can study in their respective countries, by accessing our educational ecosystem (virtual UNIVERSAE360) through any smart device with an internet connection.

Como institución educativa con su sede central en España, tenemos una unión especial con América Latina. Language skills are a determining factor in relation to international mobility. It is for this reason that the lazos culturales e idiomáticos que nos unen, facilitan enormemente la integración de los alumnos que se decidan por obtener una titulación de FP europea en Latinoamérica en UNIVERSAE.

·Benefits of attending an european TVET in Latin america

Do you know the advantages of being a student of a Spanish TVET in Latin america? You'll have a official degree recognized by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Spanish y, consecuentemente, por la Unión Europea. Este valioso título, tras el proceso de homologación en el que te acompañaremos, contará con validez académica en los países lationamericanos. Además, estos son algunos beneficios de estudiar en UNIVERSAE. ¡Queremos impulsar tu formación!

Acceso a becas UNIVERSAE

Regardless of the place of provenance, we have a scholarship program with which we are striving to create global spaces and enrich the training of our entire educational community. In this way, we facilitate the acquisition of knowledge around the globe. The SCHOLARSHIP UNIVERSAE (still open, ¡todavía puedes solicitar información sobre nuestras becas!

Especialización y alta tasa de inserción laboral

Another of the advantages of the study of an european TVET in Latin america is to have access to a wide range of possibilities. We offer more than 50 degrees, which correspond to 13 professional areas. In UNIVERSAE (we have the increased supply of formation of TVET in the market. You can specialize in the areas most demanded and become indispensable in your future job!

Carácter práctico y lleno de motivación

All our degrees include practices in training. In UNIVERSAE (we offer our students access to more than 20,000 collaboration agreements with companies that are leaders in each sector. Remember that, for example, if you are in an Average Degree, you will have the possibility to continue to expand your training with a Higher Degree and later go to college. The Vocational Training opens doors to your future job!


Our educational model at a distance easier conciliation and the saving time in commuting in the day-to-day. This is a unique opportunity to study for an european TVET in Latin america without the need classroom or travel to Spain in order to formalize your official degree.

Riqueza multicultural

To be part of a community, global education, you'll be able to interact with peers from different countries in our virtual ecosystem. Therefore, you will feel attached to them and you'll be able to expand your multicultural richness. Then swap approaches and debatirás views with other students who have different personal contexts. This fact will enrich your view of the world!

Conoce nuestros campus de FP europea en Latinoamérica

To complete your training at a distance, you will only have to go on one occasion to one of our TVET campus. Each qualification has a calendar that is set when and where it is celebrated on the test face-to-face. This final test is developed in our campus totalmente acondicionados con tecnología de última generación. Además de ser las sedes de examen, funcionan como lugar de encuentro entre alumnos y empresas que deseen participar voluntariamente en su completo programa de actividades.

Then, where you will take the final exam of your TVET Spanish in Latin america?

· Campus CDMX (Mexico). Dispone de más de 5.800 m2 y se encuentra ubicado en AV. Plaza de la República, 20. Esquina con Ignacio Ramírez. CP 06030, Ciudad de México, México. +52 (55) 8842-6769 | 9:00 a 18:00h.

· Campus de Bogotá (Colombia). Cuenta con más de 3.800 m2 y se encuentra ubicado en el Edificio Eastern Tower. Carrera 16 #79-81. 110221, Bogotá DC. +57 (601) 508-8508 | 9:00 a 18:00h.

· Campus of San José (Costa Rica). Posee 7.500 m2 y se encuentra ubicado en el Edificio ODESSA XR26+C4F, Unnamed Road. San José, Pozos. Costa Rica +506 4010-2418 | 9:00 a 18:00h.

· Campus of Quito (Ecuador). Cuenta con 5.700 m2 y se encuentra ubicado en Avd. Eloy Alfaro N40-270 y José Queri. 170504, Pichincha, Quito. +593 (02) 401-8893 | 9:00 a 18:00h.

Remember, you can also take the final exam in the campus located in Spain, located in Madrid, Barcelona and Murcia.

Make your dream a reality! Get your title of Spanish TVET in Latin america

In UNIVERSAE (we are attentive to meet the real needs of the students. Our method disruptive teaching us allows you to empower thousands of students all over the world. The unique education model developed by our multidisciplinary team of experts to form the people with the goal of progress in their life and contribute positively to the society. No matter where in the world you are, in UNIVERSAE (you can pursue your degree of TVET officer that adapts to your personal conditions. IDiscover UNIVERSAE ( and you will know how is the digital transformation of the TVET!

If you still have any query about how to get your Spanish TVET in Latin america pursuing our education programs, you can contact our academic advisors. Our team of experts will be happy to assist you to develop your potential and you may care to what you've always wanted.

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