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Higher Technician degree, what is it equivalent to?

Wednesday, 28 de September de 2022

How do you want to direct your future? Have you considered the possibility of obtaining a Higher Technician degree? Next, you will discover what it is, what it is equivalent to and how many ECTS credits you have to complete to get it. Also, you will know what are the requirements that you have to meet to access this training level. You have already taken a first step that will boost your career path!

higher technical degree

What is a Higher Technician degree?

When choosing one path or the other in terms of education, it is recommended to consider previously aspects that will be key to your future. The Professional Training is positioned as one of the vías más directas de acceso al mundo laboral!

If you are exploring the option of getting your degree from a Higher Technical, in UNIVERSAE (you can enrol in one of our Certificates of Higher Education distance learning. Currently, we have a total of 13 professional areas. You'll be able to specialize in areas ranging from Administration and Management, through information and Communication technology to Image and Sound, for example. Then, we analyze in this entry the most relevant factors that insurance that shed light to make your decision. Congratulations, the first step you have already given!

·Con tu Grado Superior impulsarás tu acceso al mundo laboral

Para obtener tu título de Técnico Superior es necesario que finalices un Grado Superior. Terminando esta formación estarás preparado para merge the world of work and, if you want, later you will be able to ingresar en cualquier universidad.

At this level of studies put the focus on the development of technical professionals. In this way, you'll have a excellent training to take responsibilities in a very diverse professional sectors. You will gain in-depth knowledge of the labour system in the that you've joined and you'll have a vision, enterprise and innovation, up-to-date with the demands of the market. You will learn how to use the tools that thou shalt put them into practice in your day-to-day.

Before choosing your center of studies, it is essential that you consider the officers of the degrees by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. It is the case of UNIVERSAE (in our Higher Institute of FP, you will finish your studies with the recognition of the ministry, that is in addition to the subsequent official status in Europe.

·Get your title of Higher Technician and you will be a qualified professional

El momento en el que superas un Grado Superior, consigues tu título de Técnico Superior. ¡Esto supondrá un gran paso en tu carrera profesional! Como resultado, serás un qualified professional and geared to the everyday reality of the companies. By using this specific formation, which includes practice in their curricular program, you'll expand the prospects of your career. You'll include in your CV the certification is that candidates will demonstrate the skills necessary to perform your role as a Technician.

¿A qué equivale un título de Técnico Superior?

As we said, to pass all the subjects of your Top Grade, you will get the official recognition of Superior Technician in the professional area which you have studied. You will receive the enabling full develop your talent!

The equivalence it is the recognition that a title has the same effects on academic and professional than the other. Remember that these studies are taken into account as an official in the civil service as in any private company.

Generalmente, para acceder a un Grado Superior es necesario que hayas superado previamente un Grado medio o Bachillerato. Por tanto, en la actualidad, el nivel educativo de un título de Técnico Superior equivaldría a un nivel un algo superior al de Baccalaureate. Thus, the Higher level is between the Average Degree and the university.

However, it is possible that you also know the names above the FP. In particular, the FPII it is the former term of Training cycles that correspond to the current Upper Grades. Decades ago, these training cycles, enabling the students to have a broader domain of a profession. Now correspond to the Higher Degree and, in consequence, with the achievement of the title of senior Technician.

How many ECTS credits does a Higher Technician degree have?

La carga lectiva de un Grado Superior está organizada en diversas asignaturas enfocadas al área profesional. De este modo, los créditos ECTS son un system of assessment of the volume of work of the students; that is, the hours of dedication to the study. Thus, it measures the work that you have done to overcome their curriculum.

These credits correspond to the objectives set out in the implementation of the EESS, European Space for Higher Education, with the aim of promoting the compatibilidad entre los diferentes sistemas de Educación Superior en Europa.

·You'll have to complete 120 ECTS credits!

Los alumnos de los títulos de Técnico Superior han de cumplir con una carga lectiva de 120 créditos ECTS. Para que puedas establecer una comparación, un grado universitario cuenta, habitualmente, con 240 créditos ECTS. De tal forma, with half the number of credits possess an official title with which you can access the labour market.

In each Training Cycle Top, the contents are focused on the combination of knowledge theoretical-practical. In addition, it is worth mentioning that in the course Training in Work Centers, que consta de 22 créditos ECTS, los alumnos viven la experiencia de trabajar en entornos donde ponen en práctica todo lo aprendido. En UNIVERSAE nuestros alumnos tienen acceso a miles de convenios de colaboración con las empresas más punteras de cada sector.

Requirements to access a title of Higher Technician

Ahora que sabes mucho más sobre lo que supone contar con un título de Técnico Superior, ¿te animas a cursar Grado Superior y así ser un perfil demandado y actualizado a los requerimientos del mercado laboral? Para acceder a un Grado Superior tendrás que cumplir, al menos, con one of the following requirements:

  • – Título de Formación Profesional de Grado Medio.
  • – Título de Técnico Superior, Técnico Especialista o equivalente a efectos académicos.
  • – Título de Bachillerato, BUP, COU o de una acreditación equivalente o superior.
  • – Titulación Universitaria o equivalente.
  • – Prueba de acceso a la Universidad de mayores de 25 años.
  • – Prueba de acceso a Grado Superior siendo la edad mínima 19 años.

Si tienes alguna consulta sobre cómo sacar el mayor rendimiento a tu formación, no dudes en contactar con nuestro equipo de asesores académicos. ¡Con tu título de Técnico Superior estarás mucho más cerca de completar tus ambiciones profesionales y personales! Además, las becas para el estudio te facilitan el acceso a tus estudios. ¡Infórmate!

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