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Annual Balance of 2022

Begins 2023 and we balance that just close. The year 2022 has been to UNIVERSAE (the start of it all. We arrived to stay, and remove the sector of Vocational education and Training. Thank you to our students, and all that you do UNIVERSAE (possible. In 2023 we will continue to superándonos!

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Design thinking: trends in education

Design thinking is a creative approach of development projects. In this article you will discover this moderna methodology, that has come to stay. Learn more about the stages on which is based, as well as the benefits they bring to the students during the learning.

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Fireman TVET: what to study and requirements

Do you want to be a firefighter? In this article, you will discover how you can start your path towards a profession known for its importance in all over the world. It's about a profession exciting and full of responsibilities! In UNIVERSAE you can take your TVET Firefighter and get one step closer to your vocation.

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Lifelong learning: the continuous training of the future

Lifelong learning is presented as an educational concept, through which the continuous training takes more relevance. Combine in the day-to-day work activities and training is a challenge not very motivating. We are in line with all of the values that they promote!

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Discover the TVET in Health of the Future

Have you ever thought in to dedicate yourself professionally to the world of health care? We are opening extraordinary call for registration! Already, you can book your place. They are very limited! Complete your FP Health from a distance with the method to be more innovative. Discover the FP in the Health of the future in UNIVERSAE (!

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Ethical Hacking: what it is and how it works

Before the rise of the cyber incident in the whole world, the ethical hacking is becoming more and more common. As the name itself indicates, its purpose is not to cause any kind of a threat, but to focus their activity in preventive actions. Have you ever heard of this concept before? Get reading!

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Administration and Finance Outputs

The Higher Degree in Administration and Finance is one of the most demanded by companies and the Public Administration. With this qualification you will gain knowledge which is very varied and destacarás for your great versatility. I read in this post more on the outputs of the Administration and Finance!

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What is the cyber security

Develop strategies for capturing the attention of consumers is becoming ever more necessary. In this article, you will discover what is a merchandiser, and what is merchandising. This figure professional and the techniques implemented are crucial for a product or service does not go unnoticed!

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What is a merchandiser and types of merchandising

Develop strategies with which to capture the attention of consumers is becoming ever more necessary. In this post, you will learn what is a merchandiser, and what is merchandising. These professionals and the techniques implemented are essential to make a product or service does not go unnoticed!

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Virtual reality and augmented reality

What is virtual reality and augmented reality? Surely, you have heard talk about how these technologies! In UNIVERSAE (, we are pioneers incorporating these resources with a pedagogical view. In this way, our students learn as they experience with innovative tools.

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Big Data in Education: disruptive TVET

The application of big data in education is a challenge. Take advantage of the data that is collected constantly provides us with the ability to actively change and improve the future of education. In this post, you know its advantages, and you'll know more about how we implement the big data!

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Assistant manager: what he does and his functions

An assistant to the director has knowledge in the areas of protocol, organization, finance, marketing and languages, primarily. In this post we highlight what features are essential and which ones are the most important skills to be the ideal candidate.

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Higher Technician degree, what is it equivalent to?

Have you considered getting a Technical degree Top? Below, you'll discover what it is, what is, and how many ECTS credits you have to complete to get it. Also, you will know what requirements they have to meet in order to access this level of training. I've already taken the first step!

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Imagen de cabecera del post 'Salidas laborales de Comercio Internacional'


International Trade job opportunities

The limits of international economic activity practically does not exist. In this post, we share the outputs of International Trade more prominent and what are the skills that you have that empower you to excel. Your intervention will be very important in the global transaction!

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What is a virtual classroom: keys and operation

In UNIVERSAE (we are at the forefront in the application of the technology. In this post you will explore what is a virtual classroom and its features. Learn more about UNIVERSAE360, our educational ecosystem virtual that goes a step beyond.

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Featured articles

Welcome to UNIVERSAE

Discover a new educational model based on EdTech: UNIVERSAE is the digital transformation of VET. Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and international recognition by The Hague. Welcome to UNIVERSAE quality educational innovation.

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Innovation in education

If you no longer work as before, and if the knowledge and skills demanded by the market have changed, do you think we should study and learn differently? Discover UNIVERSAE and its commitment to innovation in the field of education through technological tools.

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