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TVET of the future: hybrid professions

Wednesday, 20 de July de 2022

The TVET of the future evolves in accordance with the new realities of the organizations present in all the productive sectors. The increase of this complexity leads to a new configuration and a multi-professional profiles. Therefore, the professions hybrid will become increasingly prominent.

TVET in the future

How is the TVET of the future? Labor overview of a study by the CEOE Foundation

El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías, los efectos de los grandes retos del envejecimiento de la población, la gestión del proceso de cambio climático y la transición energética. Estos son algunos de los factores principales que determinan la FP del futuro. El informe “Changes in the professional profiles and needs of vocational training in Spain. Perspective 2030” presented by CaixaBank Dualiza, sheds light on this. In addition, this recent study has been conducted by the researcher Oriol Homs, and it has counted with the collaboration of the Foundation CEOE.
The research predicts that the future will be marked clearly by the profiles hybrids. The evolution of the professions current will give rise to the emergence of new professions. It is now nearly a reality, the importance of a knowledge-generic combined with more specialization and greater responsibility. The production model is changing the relationship that people have with the work, by the strong influence of digitization. In this post we tell you the components most relevant that will determine the Professional Training of the future.

·Hybrid professions as a consequence

You demand for a wide reformulation of the contents of competencies of the vast majority of professional profiles. Consequently, it emphasizes the restructuring of the profiles known today. According to the study, the interconnections observed in a number of sectors between profiles until now differentiated, as for example the computer, should extend your knowledge en mantenimiento o procesos de producción. También, se apunta a una redefinición de la división clásica entre profesiones asentadas. De este modo, el mapa de las profesiones híbridas estará repleto de interconexiones con ramificaciones de especialidades y de paquetes de competencias transversales en amplios grupos de profesionales.

Is versatility will the profiles limited are each time more diffuse and progress towards a base of general knowledge. Which, subsequently, will be completed. This change in the model will lead to the decrease of the hierarchical relationships, the promotion of team work and projects. In addition, according to the report, there will be more focus on results and on the client.

Intellectualisation, sustainability and digitisation in the TVET of the future

We continue breaking down how it will be the Professional Training of the future, according to the report prepared by the researcher Oriol Homs in collaboration with the Foundation CEOE. One of the main features will be the trend to intellectualization of the work. For example, this means that it will be increasingly common to ask the professional skills that require mental procedures of analysis. In this line, it will also require more regular the development task of planning and decision making. Therefore, the recruitment process will be more oriented to people who stand out for their high professional skills. There is demand for quality and efficiency, as well as greater interaction between teams.

Asimismo, se observa que se deberán incorporar tendencias globales como la digitalización y la sostenibilidad. In the first aspect, is defined for a different relationship of workers with work tools. The digital skills desired by the companies get paid more and more weight. The scanning process involves a considerable increase in the amount of information that must be managed and in their form of treatment. It also highlights the importance of incorporating culture of sustainability across all professional profiles. The concern and awareness for the care of the environment is the aim of avoiding adverse effects on the environment in all professional activities. To include a perspective of sustainability in education and training is an urgent need.

The Vocational Training of the future at your fingertips

Las anteriores consideraciones sugieren nuevos enfoques para la FP del futuro. Desarrollar de forma integral estas capacidades compromete la construcción de las bases de la educación. Por tanto, se requiere de la articulación de una nueva cultura de la formación de los nuevos profesionales. A este respecto, in UNIVERSAE (we look forward to the future and we offer tools essential for our students to move with security in a changing reality.
Thus, among others, highlights our mode of study, that power an educational experience that is innovative, up-to-date and fully adapted to the needs of the labour market. The TVET of the future with UNIVERSAE360the educational ecosystem virtual UNIVERSAE (easy for the students to dive into the complex work context. I anticipate the new landscape, and have a fundamental role!

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