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Articles on Study

In our category Study of UNIVERSAE (puts at your disposal the information relevant and up-to-date on tips to improve your study habits and facilitate your learning methodology. Discover a multitude of items that will be of great use while you forms or develop your passion in the field of Vocational Training.


How to make a step by step summary to study

¿Cómo hacer un resumen para optimizar tu tiempo de estudio? Lectura comprensiva, creación de esquemas, identificación de ideas clave, redactar, revisar… Esta técnica debe ser totalmente personalizable. ¡Utiliza este post como guía para perfeccionar tus resúmenes!

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How to do a planning study and to improve your performance

In this article you will learn what is a planning study and how to use it to enhance your training. You know its main advantages, and how to make it to optimize your time and performance. Also, you will know more about what tools to use to customize yours.

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How to study for a multiple choice exam? Keys and tips

Si tienes dudas sobre cómo estudiar para un examen tipo test o quieres mejorar tus calificaciones en este tipo de evaluación, lee este artículo. Encontrarás consejos para superarlo con seguridad y errores que deberás evitar. Aprenderás a enfocar tu estudio con respecto a un examen tradicional.

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Access to the university from Higher Education | Higher Education plus University

Accessing university from Higher Education is possible! In this article we tell you how to do it and why it is presented as one of the most beneficial options for your professional future. At UNIVERSAE, with the Higher Educaction plus University program, we will accompany you to meet your goals. Keep reading!

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What to study to work in Emergencies and Civil Protection?

La formación en Emergencias y Protección Civil es esencial para responder en situaciones de crisis. La prevención de emergencias y protección civil es tan importante como la respuesta y la recuperación. Muy pronto te convertirás en un activo imprescindible. ¡Elige tu FP Oficial en UNIVERSAE!

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How do you decide what to study? "You focus!

Choose what to study is an important decision in your life. You can directly influence your career and in your personal satisfaction in the long run! In this article we will guide you to reflect and discover your vocation, the one that most suits your interests and skills.

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Everything you need to know about the EBAU

In this article, you'll learn how to tackle the proof of access to the university (EBAU) with confidence. Also, we will advise you on the possible scenarios that may arise and how a Higher Degree can open doors in your future career.

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Keys to innovate in Vocational Training

Learn how innovation in Vocational education and Training transforms the education and prepares students for the future. In this article you will learn about the major trends that are innovating today. The objective is to be achieved to increase the motivation and performance of students.

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Cloud Computing, what it is and how it works

The cloud computing is on almost all sides, what you have noticed? In this article, you'll learn more about cloud computing, or computing in the cloud, what it is and how it works. Provides flexibility, speed and connectivity, as some of their main advantages. What are you what we have in this post!

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What is an API and what are they for?

Do you know what is an API? Sure that at some point you've heard these acronyms, which are part of the context of computing and are indispensable in the present. In this article, you will learn in detail what is an API, what it is used for and the main types, according to different criteria.

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Do you know what is Matte Painting?

En el mundo de la ilustración digital, el matte painting se presenta como una técnica que se adapta a las necesidades creativas cada vez más exigentes. ¿Conoces en qué consiste exactamente? En este artículo compartimos con los futuros artistas digitales más detalles sobre el proceso, junto a algunos espectaculares ejemplos. ¡Léelo!

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What Certificate of Higher Education to study for national police?

What VET you should pick to be national police? If you want to develop yourself professionally in this field, read this post to know more on what is the qualification that is more aligned with your interests. Let we tell you more about the conditions!

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Micropigmentation, do you know this technique?

Find out all about the micropigmentation what it is, its technique, types and differences with the microblading. The customization of the entire process and the experience of graduates of the Degree in Integral Aesthetics and well-being is essential to enhance the natural beauty of the customers. The training is key!

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Office automation: what is it and what is it for?

Learn in this article what is the office, in addition to what it is for and what are the most common applications. It is a concept that was born decades ago and that constantly evolves to increase productivity in the workplace and staff. I delve deep into this article!

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What is orthodontics?

We're going to explain what is orthodontic treatment in addition to speak also of the invisible orthodontics. It comes in this article and find out everything you didn't know about orthodontics!

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What are genetically modified foods?

In this blog article of UNIVERSAE (we'll talk about gm food, what they are, what purpose they serve and the disadvantages or advantages that they have. Do you know what are Genetically Modified Organisms? This concept will be essential to address this issue. I keep reading and you what we have!

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Do you know what ROI is and how is it applied?

In this article we will tell you what is ROI and how you can apply it to get results. We will share with you the essential steps, so you can calculate it. We anticipate that this is a metric and is highly valued in a wide range of contexts. Don't miss this interesting information!

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What is the Ephemeral Architecture?

The ephemeral architecture has multiple functions. Among them, stands out, however, is a playful addition to responding to emergency situations in an agile way. In this article, you will learn more about their main features and meet specific examples very inspiring. I read it!

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What is a customs?

In this article, you will discover what are the customs, a customs agent, what purpose they serve and the types of customs there is. Known for their key roles in the efficiency of the dynamism and efficiency of the world economy.

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The prevention of occupational risks or PRL

In this article we will tell you what is the prevention of occupational risks or PRL. Also, you will learn more about the basic principles of preventive action! It must not be forgotten that workers have rights and obligations. I learn it all here!

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Why is environmental sustainability important?

Find out what is the environmental sustainability, their characteristics, and examples. The local actions have global impact! Go in this article and find out why it is so important for the present and future generations. Every step counts!

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Do you know what are all the types of Artificial Intelligence?

The artificial intelligence is on almost all sides! This is already influenced by the great opportunities that it provides. If you are interested in artificial intelligence, in this article we tell you what are the types of artificial intelligence that exist. Jump in and find out!

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What is a SWOT analysis?

Thanks to this article, you'll learn what a SWOT analysis, how it is made and its importance within a company. It is a fundamental tool that will help you define all kinds of strategies!

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What are and what types of special effects are there?

The stories are better with a pinch of technique and creativity which makes the impossible possible. If you are interested in the special effects and everything related to audiovisual production, in this article we will tell you what they are and the types of special effects, there is.

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Benchmarking: What is it and how to apply it?

Benchmarking is used to attempt to anticipate the future through the eyes of the leaders of the industry. In this article we will tell you what is benchmarking and how you can apply it in your marketing strategies. Jump in and find out all about benchmarking!

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Advanced life support (SVA): why you need to know?

In this interesting article we will tell you the importance of advanced life support and the differences with the basic life support. Also, you will learn more about what is relevant to apply the right techniques in the right circumstances. I read all the details in this article!

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What are incoterms?

The incoterms are responsible for regulating essential aspects of the international trade. They are a set of rules with a certain degree of flexibility that define who assumes all liabilities, expenses, insurance, etc In this article we discussed about what are the incoterms and the most important that exist.

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What is the Audiovisual Production?

The creativity and the technique are combined to perfection in the audiovisual industry. In this article, you will learn more about the types of audiovisual productions, the team is essential to give life to the projects and the differences between production and realization. More details below!

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Hybrid and electric cars, discover their differences and benefits

Get ready to discover the new ways of driving. Hybrid cars, plug-in and electric are alternatives to traditional vehicles that come with features that are more friendly with the environment. Get to know their differences and benefits below!

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All about diagnostic imaging techniques

In this article we'll talk about the different diagnostic imaging techniques exist. ¡You will learn about the most popular! Don't miss out this post to know more on the importance of early and accurate diagnosis. Get reading!

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What is it and what is it used for international marketing?

The international marketing allows you to make a giant leap in all terms for the companies. It involves a deep understanding of the different cultural, economic, legal,... In this post you'll discover what it is, its objectives and main advantages. Get reading!

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What is storage logistics?

A good logistics strategy of storage is critical to the success of the business. In this article, you'll learn more about what is it, types and why it is so essential in any sector. I read it to learn about the importance of making the most of every square meter!

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Metaverse: What it is and what is it for?

The metaverse is an alternative space where almost anything is possible. In these online environments and immersive, you'll explore countless scenarios in which to share ideas, have fun, learn... Learn more about the metaverse: what it is, what it does and how it is transforming the digital landscape.

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Progressive Web App: What is it and what is it for?

Discover in this article the progressive web app, what they are, what purpose they serve and how they can help. Known in addition to the salient advantages of their use and examples of companies that are already implementing this technology. This is one of the latest trends in digital, that has come to stay.

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Sales techniques: 5 methods for success

Sales techniques are tools that are driving the business strategies. Among others, combined persuasion, active listening and constant analysis to connect effectively with customers. In this article you'll know, you'll approach to five of the most powerful in the present.

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What is Pathological Anatomy?

When it comes to understanding the functioning of the human body and diagnose diseases, to know what is pathological anatomy is essential. Know what are its main branches, and techniques, as well as the key functions that are developed in a pathological study.

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Bootcamp: what is it and what is it for?

The bootcamps programming are characterized by their practical approach and accelerated. They are ideal for those who are looking for a change in your career or those who want to start in the world more technological and digital. You just need determination and eager to learn. Get reading!

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Hardware and Software: definition and differences

When we use our digital devices, it is very easy to overlook the complexity of its operation. In the center of its use include the hardware and software! In this article we'll cover these elements, physical and intangible, that give life to the technology.

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What is Networking and what is it?

The idea of establishing new contacts can be somewhat overwhelming at the beginning. ¡Tranquility! To understand what is the networking is key to expanding your network of connections so valuable to you in your future. In this post you will learn about the major classifications, tips and benefits of applying it.

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Internet privacy: what it is and how to protect it

With an incidence increasingly noticeable, our lives are intertwined with technology and we leave a digital footprint in every step we take on the internet. That is why we must apply measures to prevent vulnerabilities. - In this article you will learn what is the internet privacy!

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Autonomous cars: benefits and disadvantages

Thanks to the advancement of the technology, its development has accelerated so much that it seems that will soon be a reality. Driverless cars offer unique benefits, but not all are benefits currently. It is very likely that transform the automotive industry in the short to medium term.

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What is the Deep Web?

If you are curious by nature, surely you have heard about the deep web or the internet is deep, but do you really know what it is? It is a place relatively hidden risks and benefits. Do you want to learn how it works, how to access and how to implement some of the recommendations? Get reading!

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What is STEM and its advantages for education

STEM education prepares students for a professional future promising. Want to know what is STEM? Read this article and get ready already to be a key part of the advances that are changing the way people interact with the world.

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What is ChatGPT and how it affects education

Technology is changing the world and with the advent of artificial intelligence are creating new ways of learning. What is ChatGPT and why is it important? In this article we explain what it is, how it is changing the way we learn and promote its responsible use.

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Machine learning: types and application practice

Discover in this article what it is and how it works the machine learning! You know what is the main classification and the progress that is presented thanks to this branch of Artificial Intelligence. This is only the beginning of the transformation that results in the analysis of data and decision making.

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What is a NFT: the new way of digital art

The digital art has evolved rapidly due to the increase in the use of the NFT. The technology blockchain has a lot to do with its rise. Do you know what is NFT?
Read this article to learn about its features, how it works, and explore the landscape it raises!

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Sustainable technologies: a key to the future

Sustainable technologies are essential in the present moment and what will be in the future. Do you know how to influence the daily activity of our students? I get closer to the reasons to incorporate them in your stage of education and the new opportunities that generate!

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What is Blockchain: meaning and characteristics

The automation of processes, the collection of large volumes of data, the guarantee of privacy... In the digital era in which we find the technology of blockchain has connection with many of these concepts. What is blockchain, then? What are you what we have!

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Best exercises reading comprehension

What is exactly is reading comprehension? What are you what we have! Understanding goes far beyond reading and there are a multitude of ways to boost this capacity. Work is the key to success in all facets of life. It is a matter of practice and patience!

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Technological trends in education 2023

This year will continue to consolidate the use of innovative resources that enhance the interaction. It is one of the most powerful ways to assimilate the learning! Come in this post to the predictions in relation to the technological trends in education. What do you think will leave more footprints?

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Trends in education 2023: discover them!

We are aware of to effectively implement the trends in education is a challenge. It is a challenge that we accept for our students to differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive environment. Get to know the main trends that are leading the way this year!

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Design thinking: trends in education

Design thinking is a creative approach of development projects. In this article you will discover this moderna methodology, that has come to stay. Learn more about the stages on which is based, as well as the benefits they bring to the students during the learning.

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Lifelong learning: the continuous training of the future

Lifelong learning is presented as an educational concept, through which the continuous training takes more relevance. Combine in the day-to-day work activities and training is a challenge not very motivating. We are in line with all of the values that they promote!

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Virtual reality and augmented reality

What is virtual reality and augmented reality? Surely, you have heard talk about how these technologies! In UNIVERSAE (, we are pioneers incorporating these resources with a pedagogical view. In this way, our students learn as they experience with innovative tools.

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Big Data in Education: disruptive TVET

The application of big data in education is a challenge. Take advantage of the data that is collected constantly provides us with the ability to actively change and improve the future of education. In this post, you know its advantages, and you'll know more about how we implement the big data!

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Higher Technician degree, what is it equivalent to?

Have you considered getting a Technical degree Top? Below, you'll discover what it is, what is, and how many ECTS credits you have to complete to get it. Also, you will know what requirements they have to meet in order to access this level of training. I've already taken the first step!

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What is a virtual classroom: keys and operation

In UNIVERSAE (we are at the forefront in the application of the technology. In this post you will explore what is a virtual classroom and its features. Learn more about UNIVERSAE360, our educational ecosystem virtual that goes a step beyond.

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What is eLearning: the education of the future

What is eLearning? Read this post to know the key characteristics of this disruptive method of learning and its advantages. In UNIVERSAE our students have access to resources that will extend their knowledge of current form and innovative.

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Business and Professional Incubator: what it is

The incubator of businesses and professionals UNIVERSAE (has the objective to enable the highest potential of our students. In this post you will meet your operation, activities that are scheduled and the skills that are encouraged. It and boost your growth from your student!

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Virtual reality as applied to education

Have you tried virtual reality? This technology applied to education is, without doubt, influencing positively the way in which we understand the learning more traditional. In UNIVERSAE (incorporate virtual reality in our educational model.

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Differences between Advertising and Marketing

Study of the market, target audience, promotion... do You sound these concepts? All of them are commonly used in environments associated with advertising and marketing. Do you know tell us then the difference between advertising and marketing? In this post we tell you more, so you know to identify it.

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How to make schemes: the 5 essential keys

To make a good outline is a key task to condense information. Whatever the degree that curses, with this technique of study you'll pave the way to complete your training and assimilate concepts for always. Read this post and learn how to make schemes with 5 essential keys.

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What is the TVET? All you need to know

Has come this moment that you think what is the next step in your studies. What is FP? In the field of education, the acronym FP refers to the initial Vocational Training. Refers to a system of official teachings oriented to the labour insertion. What are you what we have!

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Study techniques to increase the efficiency

Follow some of the study techniques outlined in this post will help you to improve your learning process and better retain the knowledge. All students are hosting a method of study, either consciously or by own experience or routine. Please take note and you'll see results!

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How to improve concentration

Study for an exam, meet explanations... There are times in which we need to increase the concentration; however, not all the days of our brain or state of mind is the same. To know how to improve your focus and maximize your productivity, we give you some tips in this post.

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Tips for studying: 10 essential tips

Follow some tips for studying will allow you to improve your study method and your productivity. Have a clear goal, a good planning and a good night's sleep are among the 10 essential tips to study. Here we have more to improve your learning!

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Advantages of studying an online TVET

Thanks to the help of technology, studying at a distance has taken a greater role in recent years. This has developed an education more flexible, global, and dynamic.

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Gamification in education: concept and examples

The gamification in education facilitates the internalization of knowledge of a more fun and creates a positive experience in the student. Below, we tell you why it is important to your application, and some examples of gamification technology that only gives you UNIVERSAE (.

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Validate TVET subjects

One of the most demanded options by students in recent years is to study a TVET due to the advantages it presents. Among the best known is the validation of subjects. What is it? How many TVET subjects can be validated? Solve your doubts with UNIVERSAE.

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EdTech: what it is and what are its advantages

Just ten years ago it was rare to find digital sceneries in the educational context. Today, the EdTech serves improves teaching and dedication to students necessary skills for your future career. Find out what is the EdTech and what are its advantages below.

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